Phoenix 2.0 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2018 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2018 (bearbeitet) [Edit] - AN DIE MODERATION: Habe erst nachher gesehen, dass es im Unfall/Vorfälle-Corner schon einen entsprechenden Thread gibt (tja, erst schauen, dann schreiben -_- ). Bitte ggf. diesen Thread löschen, ich kopiere den Rest dann in den bestehenden Thread [/Edit] Hallo zusammen, ich schreibe das bewusst nicht in den Vorfälle/Unfälle-Corner, da ich unten noch zusätzliche Dinge angeführt habe. Offenbar ist die deutschssprachige Agenturmeldung, welche bereits durch den Boulevard geistert, inkorrekt (verdrehte Darlegung der Positonen und Ränge im Cockpit), weshalb ich eine englischsprachige Pressemeldung poste (auf gelesen): ----------------------------------------------------------- NEW DELHI: Jet Airways has grounded two of its senior commanders for fighting inside the cockpit of a London-Mumbai flight on January 1. The commander flying as co-pilot allegedly slapped the lady commander mid-flight after which she left the cockpit in tears. After great persuation, the lady pilot went back to the cockpit but reportedly came out in a huff shortly afterwards. This time, a frightened cabin crew, fearing for everyone's safety, requested her to go back to the controls and operate the flight to its destination. Luckily, the plane landed safely. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has suspended the licence of the male co-pilot and ordered a probe into the entire episode. This unprecedented cockpit fight happened on 9W 119 soon after Jet's Boeing 777 took off for its 9-hour journey to Mumbai with 324 passengers and 14 crew members on board on New Year's Day at 10am (UK time). Both the pilots of this flight were commanders and the lady was captaining 9W 119 while the other was the co-pilot for this sector. "Shortly after the plane took off, the two pilots had a fight. The co-pilot slapped the lady commander and she left the cockpit in tears. She stood in the galley sobbing. The cabin crew tried to comfort her and send her back to the cockpit, but in vain. The co-pilot also kept buzzing (calling from the intercom in the cockpit) the crew, asking them to send the second pilot back," said sources. When the cabin crew could not do so, the co-pilot reportedly came out of the cockpit — leaving the cockpit unmanned in gross violation of safety rules — and persuaded the commander to return with him to the controls. "However, they had a fight for the second time following which she came out again. This time, the cabin crew was quite afraid of the fight happening in the cockpit. They requested her to go to the cockpit and fly the plane safely to its destination," said sources. Realising the fear factor among everyone, she returned to the cockpit and the plane landed safely in Mumbai just after midnight of January 1-2. Confirming this fight, a Jet Airways spokesman said: "A misunderstanding occurred between the cockpit crew of Jet Airways flight 9W 119, London - Mumbai of January 01, 2018. However, the same was quickly resolved amicably and the flight with 324 guests including 2 infants and 14 crew continued its journey to Mumbai, landing safely. The airline has reported the incident to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and the concerned crew have been derostered pending an internal investigation that has since been initiated. At Jet Airways, safety of guests, crew and assets is of paramount importance and the airline has zero tolerance for any action of its employees that compromises safety."' Terming this a "serious issue", DGCA chief BS Bhullar told TOI: "We have ordered an investigation into this and have suspended the privileges of co-pilot's license pending the probe." ----------------------------------------------------------- Im Rahmen des pprune-Threads stieß ich auch noch auf das hier (geschehen 2013) - unbef_kinglievable: ----------------------------------------------------------- MUMBAI: Two Air India pilots put the lives of 166 passengers on a Bangkok-Delhi flight in danger by taking a 40-minute break from the cockpit and getting two flight attendants to operate the plane in their absence. Their stunt almost ended in disaster after one of the flight attendants accidentally turned off the auto-pilot, forcing the pilots to rush back to their seats. The incident took place 33,000 feet in the air on Air India flight AI 133 (an Airbus 321) from Bangkok to Delhi on April 12, which took off from Bangkok on schedule, at 8.55 am. Thirty minutes later, First Officer Ravindra Nath excused himself from the cockpit for a bathroom break and got flight attendant J Bhatt to occupy his seat in his absense. [...] Minutes after his co-pilot left the cockpit, Captain B K Soni called another flight attendant, Kanika Kala, and asked her to take his seat. Captain Soni did not leave the cockpit immediately; instead, he spent a few minutes teaching the two flight attendants how to operate the aircraft. He left the cockpit after putting the plane on auto-pilot, leaving the flight attendants to operate the flight by themselves for the next 40 minutes while he and his co-pilot took a nap in business class. >> Ganzer Artikel :o----------------------------------------------------------- Gottvertrauen, Dummheit oder grenzelose Ignoranz!? Never ever (!) würde ich mit einem indischen Carrier fliegen, denn derartige Vorfälle gab es in den letzten Jahren genug; bloss erfahren wir das kaum. Ironischerweise ist grade eine "Expats-Entlassungskampagne" im Laufen. Abschließend noch eine haarsträubende Lektüre aus der Expat-Jumpseat-Perspektive (Vorfall mit Air India B777 in 2010) aus einem älteren pprune-Posting, welches ich nach längerer Suche doch noch gefunden habe. Das gibt einem den Rest... Gruß Johannes Bearbeitet 6. Januar 2018 von Phoenix 2.0 1 Zitieren
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