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Saber Kohlenstoff Propeller

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Saber Kohlenstoff Propeller für Motoren von 25 bis 150 PS
Ihre höhere Effizienz und weniger Lärm als gerade Klingen.
Propeller säbelförmige Blätter mit einem Durchmesser von 1840 mm (72,4 ") wird in Deutschland als Teil von Savage Flugzeuge zertifiziert.
Propeller Durchmesser 1600 mm an der Rotax-503 erhöhte Traktion bis 159 kg (ungarische Piloten).
Piloten aus den Vereinigten Staaten bestätigt die Zunahme Traktion um 25 kg im Vergleich zu den geraden Klingen (Rotax 503).
Wir tun genau das gleiche Kohlenstoff proopellery für Lycoming, Jabiru, Limbach, Continental.
Best regards, Vladimir Meglinsky
Bearbeitet von meglin
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Light aviation propellers continue to be produced. For every taste.

  • 1 Monat später...

Friends! I would be grateful for the impressions published here and the operational characteristics of the aircraft with our propellers.

  • 3 Monate später...

Renegade II d'Espagne.renegade-ii%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BRenegade II d'Espagne.  Moteur Jabiru 2200.
"Hi up my friend E Vladimir !!! 
I'm ok The and SO happy with prop. I of the plane Feel a Little bit fast cruise speed AT, not to much Because is SO dirty, But enough. Climbing the then is Powerful I’m happy. I’m still using your prop for 15 hours, I’m still waiting for you to get an airworthiness certificate. it with it. "

  • 1 Monat später...
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Our propeller by plane S-6 Coyote with Rotax-582


Bearbeitet von meglin
  • 2 Wochen später...
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Tested the 2 Blade version of my Meglin prop today with a new spinner....very happy with the improved performance!!


Bearbeitet von meglin
  • 6 Monate später...

We continue to fulfill orders for the production of propellers for light aircraft. The range of blades is continuously expanding. In addition to straight blades, saber blades and ellipsoidal blades are produced. We have mastered the production of particularly strong blades that can be put on engines without gear-Jabiru, Lycoming, continental.

  • 1 Monat später...
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The black-and-white photo shows a propeller with a diameter of 2000 mm.attachment.php?attachmentid=8087&stc=1&d

  • 5 Monate später...
  • 6 Monate später...
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file.php? id = 5235

Сейчас отправляю во Францию, вот такие лопасти для местной мельницы. Диаметр примерно 2 м (79 дюймов). Очень легкий вес - около 700 г (1,54 фунта). Легко устанавливается на плоский фланец. Может быть, это кому-то понадобится? 

Bearbeitet von meglin
  • 2 Wochen später...
  • 2 Wochen später...
  • 9 Monate später...

for today I have in stock:
1) 2-blade propeller with a diameter of 2000 mm (78.7"), rotary, salt-forming, hub 101.6 mm - for Rotax-912-914 thrust,
2) 2-blade leveler on the left with a diameter of 1750 mm (68.9 inches), straight blades, hub 75 mm - for sinking rotax-582/3-3.47,
3) 3-bladed 1750 mm (68.9"), stretching to the right with a 75 mm hub, a truncated saber - for Rotax-912 - is already gone,
4) 3-blade pusher left 1750 mm (68.9"), truncated saber - for pushing Rotax-912, - already gone,
5) Wooden 1400mm (55.1") left rod for Sauer S2100,
6) wooden right rotation 72*44 for a 100 hp Continental.
7) 3-blade propeller for an engine with a capacity of up to 150 hp, saber-shaped blades of right rotation, pulling, there are traces of installation on the hub
😎 right thrust for R-912-100 with a diameter of 1805 mm, truncated saber

  • 1 Jahr später...

Currently available are two wooden propellers: 55*47 and 67*46. They have steel blade protection.

Carbon propellers are made to order.

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