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Hallo zusammen,


für das Phänomen der rotierenden Wolken, vor allem in Version 2.4, gibt es jetzt eine Lösung. Im LM Forum wird ein Fix von Rob Ainscough angeboten, in Form einer neuen Cloud.fx Datei.


Habe nach Implementierung der neuen cloud.fx keine rotierenden Wolken mehr entdecken können.

  • 2 Wochen später...

Kurzes Update:


Es gibt einen offiziellen Hotfix im LM Forum:


Thank you all for your feedback and support of Prepar3D. We have been working on the various issues present in the clouds, and have a new shader file that should address most of the concerns that have been brought up about the clouds in recent versions. It should resolve the vertical clouds, as well as some of the loss of color since 2.3. To use the updated shader, simply download the new file, and place it in the shadersHLSL folder inside of your Prepar3D install. Then delete the shader cache folder at C:\Users\< user name >\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2, and enjoy!
Have a happy holidays from the Prepar3D team.




Frohes Fest!

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