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FSX Carenado B1900 HD Series released

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Special Features

Original B1900D Flight Management System (FMS).

Carenado GNS530 with Reality XP integration option.

EFIS (EADI and EHSI) installed.

Avidyne Multifunction Display.

Full FSX and P3D v2.0 compatible.

Cockpit vibration effects.

Landing and Taxi halo effect lights.

Dynamic environment gauges reflections.


Get 6 EXTRA FREE Liveries after you buy it.



Original B1900D Flight Management System (FMS).

Carenado GNS530 with Reality XP integration option.

EFIS (EADI and EHSI) installed.

Avidyne Multifunction Display.

Full FSX and P3D v2.0 compatible.

HD quality textures (2048 x 2048).

Separated lighting for cockpit flood, pilot, instrument and panel text.

Vibrating effect on stall and takeoff run.

Cold and Dark start option

Windows lighting scratches effect

Volumetric side view prop effect

Dynamic propeller shines effect.

3D stereo sounds.

Original HQ digital stereo sounds.

Customizable panel for controlling windows transparency, instrument reflections and static elements such as wheel chocks and sights props.

Real behavior compared to the real airplane. Real weight and balance. Tested by real pilots.

Realistic night lights effects on panel and cockpit.



This aircrat does not have a 2D panel.

FMS will not work when used together with Reality XP GNS530.


Included in the package:

5 HD liveries.

1 HD Blank livery.

Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS) PDF.

B1900D Emergency Checklist PDF.

B1900D Normal Checklist PDF.

B1900D Flight Management System (FMS) PDF.

B1900D Performance Tables

Carenado GNS530 PDF.

Avidyne Multifunction display PDF

Electronic Vertical Speed Indicator and TCAS PDF

Recommended Settings PDF


Technical Requirements:

Windows XP with SP3 installed, Vista or 7 (32 or 64 bits).

Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX with SP1 and SP2 (or Acceleration Pack) installed or Lockheed Martin - Prepar3D Flight Simulator v1.4 or v2.0.

Pentium V/3GHz or similar

Minimum 2GB RAM (Recommended 4GB RAM)

512MB graphics card.

760MB available hard disk space.


quelle: http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/index.php



bin gespannt auf erste reviews...:005: fand die HD Series bisher sehr gut, bin oft mit der C208 unterwegs...

interessant wird sicher auch der vergleich zur PMDG...


Carenado hat verloren, laut jemanden einem Bekannten der die B1900 von Carenado kaufte, sei diese (wiedermal) nur halb funktionstüchtig und das FMS sei auch nicht das was der PMDG-Simmer unter FMS versteht..

Schade.. Ich hoffe sie geben sich etwas mehr mühe bei der Phenom 100.. aber ich schätze ich muss auf der Cessna Mustang bleiben. :001:

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