Breakout 1960 Geschrieben 14. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 14. Oktober 2013 Werte Kameraden Ich habe mir die ORBX Szenerie South Alaska zugelegt und zusammen mit UT Alaska installiert. Ebenfalls installiert habe ich Aerosoft Anchorage (PANC) und ORBX Juneau (PAJN). Beide Airports machen Probleme in der Darstellung. Ich habe mich durchs Internet gekämpft und herausgefunden, dass es bekannt ist, dass hier zwischen UT Alaska und ORBX SAK Probleme bestehen und im Forum von ORBX eine Beschreibung zur Fehlerbehebung existiert. Ich habe mehrmals versucht mich im ORBX-Forum anzumelden, leider ohne Erfolg. Kennt jemand von Euch das Problem und kann mir auf diesem Wege Hilfe anbieten. Ich danke für die Bemühungen. Gruss René aus Bubikon Zitieren
AnkH Geschrieben 15. Oktober 2013 Geschrieben 15. Oktober 2013 Hallo René, Ich glaube, Du bist einfach zu ungeduldig mit Deiner Anmeldung im OrbX Forum :005: Wie auch immer, ich hab mir mal die Mühe gemacht und die drei Anleitungen zu SAK, PANC und UT Alaska aus dem OrbX Forum für Dich kopiert. Problem von FS Genesis Mesh Airport Anpassungen: FS Genesis offers a payware "Southeast Alaska Airport Terrain Adjustment Pack". Its elevation adjustment files are incompatible with FTX Southern Alaska and need to be deactivated. If you're using this add-on -- its download package name is "" -- then please navigate to {FSX}"\Scenery\World\Scenery" and find and deactivate the following files by renaming their .BGL extension to .OFF: 3AK4_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL 4AK3_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL 5KS_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL 6AK3_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL 15Z_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL 40AK_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL 46AK_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL A70_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL AK17_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL AK31_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL PAWD_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL Z93_ADEX_FSG_ALT.BGL This FS Genesis add-on also adds a number of other airport-related files into a subfolder of the {FSX}"\Addon scenery" folder with an entry in your FSX scenery library menu named "FSG_ATAP_US_SEAK". However, these files will automatically be excluded in the SAK overlap area as long as the "FSG_ATAP_US_SEAK" entry is at lower display priority, meaning below the FTX block of entries in your FSX scenery library menu. Problem von Aerosofts Anchorage PANC: Aerosoft's payware PANC add-on includes a detailed rendition of Ted Stevens International Airport as well as the adjacent Lake Hood seaplane base and its airstrip Z41. We've matched our local landscape features to theirs, which ensures terrain compatibility. However, some mesh and landclass files in the PANC package are not compatible with SAK since their add-on needs to be placed at higher display priority than SAK and thus interferes with important SAK components. The easiest method to achieve compatibility is to uncheck Aerosoft's "Anchorage-Terrain" entry in the FSX scenery library menu. This deactivates all incompatible files. However, it also deactivates the extended photoreal coverage area. Should you prefer to keep that photoreal coverage then you'll need to manually deactivate a number of files in the {FSX}"\Aerosoft\Anchorage-Terrain\scenery" folder. Below are a number of comparison screenshots showing the visual differences of the options. The typical approach for deactivating FSX scenery files is renaming their extension from ".bgl" to ".OFF" or similar and you can certainly use that approach in this case too. Perhaps simpler and more intuitive though is to create a "holding" folder and move the unwanted files into it without having to rename them. This is the approach described here: 1. Create a new folder inside the {FSX}"\Aerosoft\Anchorage-Terrain" folder named "SAK_hold" or similar. 2. In the {FSX}"\Aerosoft\Anchorage-Terrain\scenery" folder, select the files listed below and then cut (Ctrl-X) and paste (Ctrl-C) them into the "SAK_hold" folder. Confirm that only the nine large files starting with "anchoragepart" remain in the {FSX}"\Aerosoft\Anchorage-Terrain\scenery". Problem von UT Alaska und OrbX SAK: Hier muss ich Dich leider enttäuschen, diese Hilfestellung ist extrem umfangreich, da dutzende Airports in UT Alaska deaktiviert werden müssen und Du Files benötigst, die im Forum runterzuladen sind. Ich kopiere jetzt trotzdem mal, was da steht... ========================= UPDATE March 24th: I've extended the batch file attached below to also capture the "_ALK.bgl" elevation adjustment files from previous versions of Ultimate Alaska X. Please re-download the zip file and run the batch file again, choosing "0" to deactivate files as before. UPDATE March 25th: as posted by "surfdog" below the Ultimate Alaska X elevation adjustment file for Seward (PAWD) is misnamed as "UTX_PADW_AP.BGL" and thus not deactivated by the batch file. I'll revise the batch file in a couple of days. Until then, if you're planning on flying into Seward, please first navigate to {FSX}"\Scenery\World\scenery" and rename "UTX_PADW_AP.BGL" to "UTX_PADW_AP.OFF". ========================= Ultimate Alaska X (UAX) and Ultimate Terrain X Canada (UTX CAN) are payware add-ons developed by Scenery Solutions (Allen Kriesman) http://www.sceneryso...nloads_FSX.html and distributed by Flight1. They replace the default water bodies, road/railroad network, and other landscape and urban components with more detailed versions based on commercial spatial data. Our FTX Southern Alaska (SAK) overlaps parts of UAX and UTX CAN making their components redundant in those areas. FTX SAK is coded so that local exclude files will suppress the display of UTX features within the coverage area while leaving UTX undisturbed outside the FTX coverage area. In that respect SAK and UAX/UTX CAN are fully compatible out of the box. The main requirement is that the FTX scenery library menu entries are at higher display priority than the UAX/UTX CAN entries. Our FTX Central control panel includes a handy tool for this step; see the SAK manual on page 10 for specific instructions or visit http://www.orbxsyste...l-step-by-step/ . However, a few of the UAX/UTX CAN components, specifically their 3D night lights and airport elevation corrections, cannot be overwritten with standard FSX excludes and thus need to be deactivated to avoid display issues and framerate impacts within SAK. It's possible to do these deactivations manually through the Ultimate Alaska X control panel (Windows Start Menu > Flight One Software > Ultimate Alaska > Setup Tool) and we provide instructions below. However, since there are almost 100 airports and 50 UAX "Scenery Areas" to be dealt with we've also made a DOS batch file that fully automates this process (with thanks to Sebastian Schroeter for the batch file template). First, make sure to have your Ultimate Alaska X installation updated to the latest service pack by checking the Scenery Solutions website link above. Then run the UAX Setup Tool to check that UAX is activated and set to your preferred "Environmental Preset" (urban areas detail) as explained in the UAX manual. The next step is to download the "" file attached at the bottom of this post and extract it. Where you place it on your computer isn't important because the batch file will detect your FSX folder path automatically. We suggest placing it either in {FSX}"\Flight One Software\UtAkFsx" or in {FSX}"\ORBX\User Documents" to make it easier to find again in the future but you may have a different preferred location. Now right-click on the "FTX_SAK_file_deactivation_tool_for_UltimateAlaskaX.bat" file and select "Run as Administrator". That should open a black DOS window with a simple user interface. Work through the initial questions and then type "0" to deactivate the UAX files or "1" should you want to revert the process. Note that this batch file does not move or delete any files, it only renames file extensions from ".bgl" to ".OFF" and thus makes them inactive until you choose to reverse the process. Once the batch file has completed its tasks you can check whether the process was successful by either navigating to \Scenery\UtAkCities\Scenery and confirming that there are several hundred ".OFF" files present (the actual number depends on your specific UAX configuration) or by starting the UAX Setup Tool, clicking on "Improve Performance by Tweaking Individual Scenery Area", and selecting (for example) the "Anchorage-Central" entry on the left; the checkboxes on the right side should be greyed out like in the screenshot. Should you wish to make changes to your Ultimate Alaska X configuration in the future it's advisable to first run this batch file to re-activate all UAX files, make the desired changes in the UAX setup tool, and then run our batch file again to deactivate all files in the overlap area. For Ultimate Terrain X Canada a similar process or tool is not required because there are no airport elevation corrections in the overlap area and just a few dozen night lights in Whitehorse. No file changes are necessary but if you want to deactivate all UTX night lights within SAK anyway, navigate to the \Scenery\UtCanLights\Scenery folder, sort it by name, and rename the following four files from .bgl (or .XXX) to .OFF: LMX1010A.bgl, lix1110A.bgl, LMX1110A.bgl, LMX1210A.bgl. Note: Scenery Solutions currently does not permit the installation of its Ultimate Terrain and Ultimate Alaska titles in Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D due to the licensing restrictions of the source data used in these products. We respect the developer's decision and thus ask you to refrain from any discussions in our forums regarding these product's use in Prepar3D. Thanks you for your consideration. Please do not use this thread for any discussions other than the specific compatibility instructions given above! =================================== Instructions for manual file deactivations in Ultimate Alaska X: In case you don't want to use our batch file here are the required steps for completing the process manually: 1. Start the UAX Setup Tool and click on the "Improve Performance by Tweaking Individual Scenery Area" button. Then, for each scenery area in the list below, uncheck all checkboxes in the right side of the menu. UAX Scenery Areas overlapping with SAK: Anchor Point Anchorage-Central Anchorage-North Anchorage-South Anchorage-West Buffalo Soapstone Butte Chitina Cooper Landing Copper Center Cordova Eagle River & Eklutna Fishhook Funny River Gakona & Gulkana Gateway Knob Girdwood Glacier Bay Excursions Glenallen Gustavus Haines Homer Hoonah Houston Juneau-East Juneau-West Kalifornsky Kasilof & Cohoe Kenai Kennecott Klukwan Knik-Fairview Matanuska Glacier McCarthy Nikiski Ninilchik Palmer Salamatof Seldovia Seward Skagway Soldotna & Ridgeway Sterling Valdez Valdez-East Wasilla Whittier Y Yakutat 2. Also in the UAX Setup Tool, select Terrain > Modify Status of Repositioned Airports. Then use the list and/or screenshot below as a guide to work through the list of airports and deactivate each one. Note that deactivating PAKT (Ketchikan) is only required if you're also using FTX Pacific Fjords (PFJ) (with or without the separate PAKT add-on). 05AK 0AK1 0AK7 10AK 13AK 14AK 16AK 1AK4 1AK8 23AK 24AK 2AK4 2D3 2R3 30AK 36AK 38AK 3A3 3AK6 3AK7 3AK8 3H3 40AK 42AK 43AK 44AK 46AK 47AK 4AK2 4AK6 4K2 53AK 54AK 55AK 56AK 57AK 59AK 5AK5 5AK6 5AK9 5BL 5KS 5L6 5Z1 67AK 6AK5 6AK7 6AK8 6AK9 6Z1 7AK4 7AK5 7AK6 7AK8 7AK9 89AK 8AK2 8AK4 9AK5 9AK6 9AK7 9AK8 A13 A89 AK07 AK12 AK25 AK27 AK36 AK46 AK47 AK50 AK53 AK54 AK58 AK63 AK65 AK67 AK68 AK79 AK83 AK88 AK89 AK93 AK95 AQY CXC D75 ELV HNE L85 OOH PAGY PAHO PAJN PAKT <<< only if FTX PFJ is installed PAMR PASO PAUO ================================================= So. Bitte beachtet, dass dies hier aus dem ORBX Forum kopiert wurde. Ich kann also weder Support noch weiterführende Angaben machen. Eine Anmeldung in dem ORBX Forum ist Pflicht für weitergehenden Support. Zitieren
Breakout 1960 Geschrieben 15. Oktober 2013 Autor Geschrieben 15. Oktober 2013 Hallo Christian Ich kann nur "Danke" sagen für die Mühe die Du Dir gemacht hast. Auf jeden Fall hab ich genau das gesucht. Ich wünsche Dir eine gute Zeit und nochmals herzlichen Dank. Gruss René Zitieren
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