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25.01.2013 | Turkish Airlines TK2348 | A321 | Izmir | Blitzschlag

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A THY Turkish Airlines Airbus A321-200, registration TC-JRI performing flight TK-2348 (dep Jan 24th) from Istanbul to Izmir (Turkey) with 112 passengers, was on approach to Izmir's runway 16L when the aircraft was hit by lightning. Passengers videotaped sparks from the right hand wing and assumed the right hand engine was on fire. The aircraft continued for a safe landing on runway 16L. There were no injuries, the passengers disembarked normally.


Passengers reported the aircraft was hit by lightning shortly before landing, the right hand engine caught fire, the pilots activated the fire suppression system of the right hand engine. The aircraft landed shortly afterwards.


A video shows sparks from the right hand wing about the area of the right hand engine but neither fire nor streaks of flames.


The airline confirmed to Turkish Media that the aircraft received a lightning strike shortly before landing however did not comment any further.


Inquiries by The Aviation Herald to Turkish Airlines to determine the sequence of events, source of sparks and status of the right hand engine were left without reply.


Quelle: Avherald.com


Am Anfang dieses Video sieht man noch die Funken. Video aufgenommen innerhalb des Flugzeuges.



Ömer,erkläre uns mal das Bild und einen Zusammenhang mit dem Ereigniss.


mfg Hansueli


Ömer,erkläre uns mal das Bild und einen Zusammenhang mit dem Ereigniss.


mfg Hansueli


Sorry, war das falsche Foto, das ich uploaded habe. Danke für den Hinweis.

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