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16.04.2012 | Virgin Atlantic A333 | G-VSXY | London-Gatwick | Notlandung+Evakuierung

Empfohlene Beiträge


Hallo zusammen,

habe soeben gelesen dass ein neuer VS A333 eine Notlandung in LGW machen musste. Die Maschine war die G-VSXY. Ist das eine von denen die bei SR Tecnics war??




Hallo Jonas,


bitte künftig die obligatorischen Titelvorgaben einhalten und nicht einfach "aus der Hüfte" posten.


Wie so oft hat der Aviation Herald bereits Informationen: http://www.avherald.com/h?article=44e15a5f&opt=0


A Virgin Atlantic Airbus A330-300, registration G-VSXY performing flight VS-27 from London Gatwick,EN (UK) to Orlando,FL (USA) with 299 passengers and 13 crew, was climbing out of London Gatwick's runway 08R about 75nm westsouthwest of London Gatwick Airport when the crew declared emergency, levelled off at FL220 reporting a cargo fire indication and returned to Gatwick. The aircraft landed safely on Gatwick's runway 08R, stopped about halfway down the runway and was evacuated, a number of tyres deflated. Responding emergency services found no trace of fire or smoke. A number of passengers received minor injuries in the evacuation.


The airline reported a technical problem prompted the captain to return to Gatwick and to evacuate the aircraft.


The airport was closed for about 2 hours as result of the occurrence until the aircraft was towed off the runway.






Bilderquelle: PPRUNE

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