AngelDuarte Geschrieben 31. August 2011 Geschrieben 31. August 2011 Zur Info:,1518,783624,00.html Zitieren
Gast Geschrieben 1. September 2011 Geschrieben 1. September 2011 Zur Info:,1518,783624,00.html Ein wichtiger Aspekt des Artikels befasst sich mit dem Phänomen "automatic surprise", dieses Phänomen spielte bei dem TK Absturz in Amsterdam eine wichtige Rolle. The case of TK1951 fits the phenomenon of an “automation surprise,” and adds a new twist to it. Automation surprises have become defined as those cases where the automation does something without immediately preceding crew input related to the automation’s action, and in which that automation action is inconsistent with crew expectations (Wiener & Curry, 1980; Sarter, 1991; Sarter & Woods, 1992; Billings, 1996). In TK1951, the automation did to the aircraft what the crew expected (and thought it) instructed it to do, but in a different mode than the crew had expected, or could have known from their training or experience. Das war aus dem Dekker-Bericht. Gruss einstweilen Bernhard (LSZH) Zitieren
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