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IVAO feeltherush - Tel Aviv Real OPS 12.06.2011

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Hello Pilots!


Two months after the last feel the rush event at Seoul, we're proud to present our next Real Operations Event. This time we will simulate for eight hours the real traffic situation at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport. The Event will take place on 12th June, from 14 - 22 UTC. You can book your favorite flights from and to Tel Aviv. Our booking system will send you thereafter an email with the real route and equipment for your flight. Of course you can book more than one flight! During the whole event period we'll provide full ATC coverage at Tel Aviv.




We wish you a lot of fun in Israel!


kind regards


Samy Jay Greve and Florian Pilger



Noch 4 Tage - Ein paar schöne Flüge sind noch dabei! Also ran an den Speck 8)

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