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2011-02-14 | Central American Airways LET L-410 | Tegucigalpa | impacted trees on app

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A Central American Airways LET L-410, registration HR-AUQ performing flight CAI-731 from San Pedro Sula to Tegucigalpa (Honduras) with 14 people on board, impacted trees near the village of Cerro de Hula located near the approach path of the VOR/DME runway 02 approach to Tegucigalpa's International Airport while on approach to Tegucigalpa just after 08:02L (14:02Z). All occupants perished in the crash.


Residents near the crash site who came to help reported poor visibility due to fog in the area.


Honduran Authorities released a list of 14 people on board, all 14 are confirmed to have died in the crash.


Honduras' Civil Aviation Authority said, the last radio contact with the aircraft had been at 08:02L (14:02Z). At that time the crew reported they at 8000 feet about 7nm south of Toncontin Airport. The CAA estimates that the airplane crashed within the next 3 to 4 minutes. The airport was operating normally despite the weather conditions, the approach appeared to be normal. Another aircraft safely landed at about that time.


On Oct 21st 1989 a TAN Boeing 727-200 registration N88705, flight from Managua (Nicaragua) to Tegucigalpa had crashed in nearly the same spot when they flew a VOR/DME approach to then runway 01 but began the descent too early and impacted the mountains around Cerro de Hula at a height of 4800 feet 4.8nm before the threshold of runway 01.



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