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FS9 Payware Canberra noch Gratis biss 1 December 2010.

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Hallo Canberra Fans



Diese sehr schone Flieger fur FS2004 mit sehr schone animationen, effecten und 3D Cockpit gibt es jetzt noch biss 1e December 2010 gratis zum download. :005:


Hier denn downloadlink die normal ein bischen schwierig zu finden ist : FS9_Canberra_B2_pack http://www.payloadz.com/d1/freeproducts.asp?id=1368170

Weitere Teilen kosten nur 5$.


Fur alle info's sehe diese Link: http://flyingstations.com/canberra-pack-b2.html


Gratis hilfe gibt es hier: http://z13.invisionfree.com/Flying_Stations/index.php?showtopic=86



Gruss Bigfoot. :cool:




Hello all!


Well, at long last the first of the new Canberra series for FS9 is ready for download. This pack covers four B.2 types, and is offered as a freeware release, sort of a 'taste test' as it were for the later payware packs.




The rest of the packs will be released as payware (but will not hurt your budgets!) as a rolling release from this point on. Originally, the release was planned as one big issue, but due to life circumstances, it will now be released as I complete them.


Pilot's Notes are available in PDF from the main download page, and an ongoing support thread has been set up on our forum here: http://z13.invisionfree.com/Flying_Stations/index.php?showtopic=86


Thanks to all for your continued interest and happy flying!



















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