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12.10.2010 | Transafrik C130 / MUA-662 | Kabul OAKB | impacted mountaineous terrain


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Habs vorhin in den Nachrichten gesehen, ich poste einfach mal die avherald Meldung.


A Transafrik International Hercules L-100 (civilian version of the C-130) on behalf of National Air Cargo, freight flight MUA-662 from Bagram Air Base to Kabul (Afghanistan) with 7 crew and NATO supplies, impacted a mountain in the Pol-e Charkhi area east or northeast of Kabul around 19:30L (15:00Z). All 7 people on board perished.


Rescue forces are attempting to reach the crash site at high elevation and are expected to arrive in a couple of hours.


The Civil Aviation Authority of Afghanistan said, that the airplane was enroute from Bagram to Kabul when it impacted a mountain peak. All 7 people on board perished.


Kabul airport officials initially reported the airplane had impacted a mountain about 25-30km east of Kabul.


ISAF reported, that the airplane had crashed about 25-30km east of Kabul.


Kabul's airport director later stated, that the airplane disappeared from radar about 6nm northeast of the airfield at 19:25L (14:55Z), the tower observed a fire in about that direction. The airplane carried 8 crew, six Philipinos, an Indian and a Kenyan.


Mountains raise up to 3000 meters about 25-30km east of the city of Kabul (elevation around 1800 meters). The Gharib Ghar Peak approximately 6nm northeast of the airport rises to about 2200 meters/7000 feet.



OAKB 121650Z 33003KT 5000 HZ NSC 16/07 Q1020 TEMPO 4000 RMK WHT GRN

OAKB 121550Z VRB01KT 5000 HZ NSC 17/07 Q1020 TEMPO 4000 RMK WHT GRN

OAKB 121450Z 08004KT 5000 HZ NSC 18/06 Q1019 TEMPO 4000 RMK WHT GRN

OAKB 121422Z 01002KT 6000 NSC 18/05 Q1019 NOSIG RMK WHT WHT

OAKB 121400Z 01002KT 6000 NSC 18/05 Q1019 NOSIG RMK WHT WHT




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