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27.8.2010 | Jetblue A320 | Sacramento | Reifen platzen bei harter Landung


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SACRAMENTO - Five people have been taken to the hospital after a JetBlue aircraft from Long Beach made a hard landing and caught fire at Sacramento International Airport.


The plane carrying 86 passengers landed shortly after 1:00pm Thursday. Upon landing on a runway at Sacramento International Airport, JetBlue Flight 262 from Long Beach blew two tires, starting a small fire.


Passengers aboard the plane told FOX40 News they heard a loud explosion followed by a sharp halt of the plane. JetBlue says the plane experienced brake issues.


All passengers on board the Airbus A320 plane were quickly evacuated by way of three emergency chutes. Fifteen people were injured.


Quelle: http://www.fox40.com/news/headlines/ktxl-news-jet-blue-catches-fire,0,571925.story

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