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Mein Name ist Roy H. Schon ist das halbe Wochenende durch und brauche ihre Hilfe. Ich habe gesehen, dass hier noch Licht an ist und gedacht in dieser FF-Abteilung wird bestimmt geholfen, da noch reger Betrieb im Sommerloch zu sein scheint. Bezahlen kann ich mit einem Bier. Wenn nicht oder falsch geholfen wird gibts auch bestimmt keinen Koffer über den Grind :rolleyes: ...Sondern ich bin jedem dankbar der noch etwas nützliches schreiben möchte :D :008: (spass)


Es geht darum: Go to Question here

Sind meistens jene, die am wenigsten zahlen und dennoch meinen, das Premiumpaket in Anspruch nehmen zu können (inklusive 24h-Support und laufende Gratis-Extensions/Anpassungen NACH Übergabe). ;)


Ja, könnte sein ;)


War nur'n Strand im Sonnenuntergang mit Boot im Hintergrund. Für eine ganze Insel müßte ich schon Marlon Brando oder Liliane Bettencourt heissen :009:





Hehe, nun ja. Auch ein Strand ist nicht billig. Aber ich geb dir nen Tip, kauf dir keinen Strand. Der gehört dir meistens dann doch nicht, resp. du hast nix davon, dass er dir gehört :) ... Darum würd ich auch keine Insel kaufen, was nützt dir die, wenn dann doch jeder drauf kann...

Dann schau beim nächsten mal genau hin. Auf dem Rücken steht "GRENZWACHE". Für mich sind das Zöllner:005:


Nein, nein, die Zöllner arbeiten beim ZOLL, und die Grenzwächter (Polizisten) beim BGS oder ähnlich. Sie sind für die Sicherheit zuständig.


  • 2 Monate später...


New York (AP) -- The JetBlue flight attendant whose

job-quitting meltdown landed him in court avoided jail time in

a plea deal Tuesday that requires him to undergo counseling and

treatment for a least a year.

Steven Slater spoke politely and calmly as he entered a

guilty plea to a charge of second-degree attempted criminal

mischief, a felony, and a lesser charge of fourth-degree

attempted criminal mischief.

He admitted he pulled the emergency chute Aug. 9 on a

JetBlue flight from Pittsburgh after it landed at Kennedy

International Airport. Slater went on the public-address

system, swore at a passenger who he claimed treated him rudely,

grabbed a beer and slid onto the tarmac.

"At the end of the day, I'm a grown-up and I must take

responsibility for my actions," Steven Slater said outside

court. He thanked his attorney, prosecutors, his mother and his

partner, and said the public interest in his case had surprised


Under the terms of the deal, Slater must undergo at least a

year of counseling and substance-abuse treatment. If he

completes the program to the judge's satisfaction, the top

charge will dismissed, the misdemeanor will remain and he will

be sentenced to a year of probation.

He must check in with the court periodically and could also

have to pay restitution to JetBlue. If he does not fulfill the

requirements, he will get one to three years in jail.

Slater's dramatic and unusual departure made him a cult

hero to some. He was a topic on TV shows, on the front pages of

newspapers and many cheered him for standing up to the

inhospitable world of airline travel and for quitting his job

so spectacularly.

His fame has waned, but it's not gone: In a homage to

Slater this Halloween, several retailers are selling their own

versions of the disgruntled airline employee or the angry


"It's a blue steward shirt with a light blue tie and it

comes with a Band-Aid for your forehead," Todd Kenig, chairman

of Ricky's NYC, told the AP last week.

JetBlue Airways Corp. suspended Slater, and he resigned

from the company last week, leaving him unemployed. He had

worked at JetBlue for about three years, though he spent nearly

two decades in the airline industry.

JetBlue told employees in a memo that press coverage was

not taking into account how much harm can be caused by

emergency slides, which are deployed with a potentially deadly

amount of force.

District Attorney Richard Brown scolded Slater -- and the

public - for not taking his actions more seriously, noting it

cost $25,000 to fix the slide and that the plane had to be

taken out of service afterward, causing flight delays.

Slater's attorney, Daniel J. Horwitz, said his client took

the matter very seriously. He said Slater had been under

tremendous pressure because of his terminally ill mother,

recently deceased father, and health problems of his own,

adding that his client is HIV positive.

Slater was upbeat and smiley outside court, dressed in a

gray suit, blue shirt and gold tie.

"I am very grateful to the court for making these

arrangements," said Slater, who did not answer questions.

Slater was initially charged with criminal mischief,

reckless endangerment and trespassing. He underwent a mental

health evaluation and it was determined he was fit for the

alternative sentencing program. His case was transferred to

Mental Health Court, a special division of state justice where

defendants are monitored and treated instead of immediately



-0- Oct/19/2010 16:07 GMT

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