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We are looking for a volunteer for an ATC related project.


This is a non-commercial project which aims to combine a variety of Air Traffic Control and Air Traffic Flow

Management information from around the world.




1. An understanding of, and interest in, Air Traffic Control procedures as they relate to Air Traffic Flow management

2. An understanding of aviation abbreviations, and acronyms

3. A general appreciation of World Geography

4. A basic familiarity with computers, and the internet





Initially, this is a non-remunerated position. We seek some bright minds to assist in developing the idea.

As we develop the further, we will consider ad-hoc payments/gifts as a thank you for the ongoing cooperation.


To note as well, if this assignment is successful, there would be the opportunity for further work, similar but

perhaps on a larger scale, as we progress.


If you are interested, please direct all questions to atfm.project@gmail.com


Vielen Dank,



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