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13.04.2010 | Cathay Pacific A330-300 | VHHH | Notlandung mit Triebwerksausfall

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Subject: CATHAY A-330 Emergency Landing at HKG





Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 15:38:09 +0800

Subject: CX780 SUB-HKG 13 April 2010

To All Airbus Cockpit Crew,

As already covered by company news information and the public media, a major event occurred on flight CX780 Surabaya – Hong Kong on 13 April.

The crew had operated the aircraft, B-HLL, on the previous evening from Hong Kong to Surabaya. Crew complement was normal with two pilots and eleven cabin crew.

Routine maintenance checks were carried out overnight. All pre-departure preparations ex SUB were normal. There was nothing unusual about the aircraft weight, FOB (CFP fuel) and distribution. RTOW data used was in accordance with the Minimum Ground roll procedure as applicable to Surabaya. Weather at departure, en-route and arrival was good and not considered to be relevant to the event.

Initial Onset Conditions

Just before TOC, the aircraft experienced minor low frequency EPR oscillations. These oscillations had associated tracking of Fuel Flow. Later, this observation was followed with an ECAM message on ENG 2. After consultation with IOC, it was decided that the situation did not warrant an in-flight diversion.

Subsequent Engine Behaviour

During initial descent (passing FL310) ENG 2 experienced a surge and stall, and the engine could only be recovered to sub-idle speed for the remainder of the flight. Whilst levelling off at an intermediate lower altitude in the latter part of the descent, ENG 1 additionally experienced a gradual loss of thrust lever control, eventually resulting in an uncontrolled thrust increase to approximately 70% N1. The engine remained at this thrust level for the remainder of the flight.

Aircraft Flight Path

The aircraft was able to maintain altitude and speed until closer to the airfield, when further descent was commenced for an ILS approach onto RWY 07L. With the high residual thrust present on No1 engine, speed on intermediate and final approach remained high. Final configuration consisted of Flap 1 (with flap lever position at Flap 2), resulting in an approach speed of 230kts at the threshold. Flare and touchdown (at 220kts) was normal for these circumstances. Successful selection of REV, and appropriate braking enabled the aircraft to be stopped within 1,000ft of the threshold of RWY 25R.

After Landing

After the aircraft came to a stop, both engines were shut down (thrust on Eng 1 had remained at 70% N1). Brake temperatures rose rapidly. Comms were established with rescue services who advised tyre deflation and the presence of smoke/fire around the wheels. An emergency evacuation was successfully carried out with minor injuries to a small number of passengers.

Crew Actions

The Captain and First Officer both displayed commendable professionalism and airmanship of the highest order in successfully handling the challenging situation they faced.


Initial Investigations

CAD is conducting the investigation into this event, supported by CSD. An initial interview with the flight crew by CAD has taken place. EEC, QAR, and DFDR data have been successfully downloaded and are being analysed. All avenues of investigation, including fuel system fault and contamination, are being actively conducted with direct assistance and involvement from Airbus, and Rolls Royce.

Rolls Royce and Airbus have not issued any additional operational recommendations at this time. Updates on the investigation will be provided to all crew as soon as more information becomes available.

In the interim, crews are advised to contact Maintenance Control via IOC, if any abnormal engine behaviour is observed.

Boah, war sicher ordentlich beängstigend im Flieger, ich denke, gerade wenn man was von der Sache versteht, hätte man wohl ein mulmiges Gefühl bekommen bei der Anfluggeschwindigkeit... Wie informiert eigentlich die Crew die Passagiere? Wurden die in diesem Fall auf eine Bruchlandung vorbereitet oder erst nach dem Touch-down informiert (würde aber dann wohl zu lange dauern bis evakuiert werden könnte, oder?).


Der EVAK kam erst nachdem dem Flightdeck gemeldet wurde das es wirklich sehr heisse Füsse gibt. (Zu dem Zeitpunkt wurden die PAX dann auch informiert).

Und die Verletzten hätte es nicht gegeben wenn nicht ein Depp sein Trolley mitgeschleppt hätte. Aber solche Spinner in so einer Situation zu stoppen kostet im Notfall wohl einfach zu viel Zeit. (Oder man haut sie einfach aus der Reihe raus :))


In Surabaya wird übrigens kein Sprit mehr aufgenommen. ;-)

  • 3 Monate später...

Ganz frisch vom AvHerald:

By Simon Hradecky, created Wednesday, Aug 11th 2010 10:16Z, last updated Wednesday, Aug 11th 2010 10:16Z


In a new preliminary report Hong Kong's Civil Aviation Department (CAD) said, that the engine fuel components, relevant fuel samples and monitor filters in the vessel of the dispenser refueling the aircraft in Surabaya were collected and sent to the UK for analysis. Flight data and cockpit voice recorders were read out.


An examination of the engine fuel components showed, that the main metering valves (MMV) of the fuel metering units (FMU) were seized, the left at a position consistent with the 70% N1 of the left hand engine, the right hand at a position consistent with the 17% N1 achieved by the right hand engine. The right hand engine's variable stator vane controller (VSVC) was also found seized.


Fine spherical particles (spheres) were found in the FMU, VSVC and variable stator vane actuator (VSVA) of both engines. No fault has been observed to any component other than those associated with the contamination by spheres. The spheres could not be generated from within the airframe or engine systems under normal operating conditions and environment.


The fuel samples also showed contaminations with such spheres.


The monitor fuel filters from the dispenser also showed traces of such spheres, spheres were also found in fuel samples taken downstream of the monitor filters. The spheres appeared similiar to those found on the aircraft.


The exact nature of the spheres is still under investigation.


The flight data recorders and quick access recorders as well as aircraft monitoring system showed no abnormal commands sent from the electronic engine control or autothrust system. The abnormal engine condition therefore is believed to be the result of the contamination with spheres leading to the seizure of the MMVs.


The aircraft had loaded 24400 kg of fuel from Surabaya's hydrant refuelling at stand 8, which was part of a circuit refuelling stands 1 to 10. Prior to the event there had been extensive work on that circuit as part of the Surabaya Airport extension project. The refueling circuit was isolated for the investigation.


Inspection of the refuelling circuit revealed, that some of the re-commissioning procedures were not in line with guidelines and practises commonly used in the aviation industry. The re-commissioning had not been completed when B-HLL and other aircraft were already being refueled from that circuit.


Scheint also verunreinigter Treibstoff zu sein, der der Schuldige war.

  • 5 Monate später...

Und weiter geht es, ein weiterer Bericht der Behörden ist draussen!



By Simon Hradecky, created Thursday, Jan 20th 2011 17:39Z, last updated Thursday, Jan 20th 2011 17:39Z


Hongkong's Civil Aviation Department (CAD) said in their third preliminary report that the spheres found seizing both engines' variable stator vane controllers were identified to mainly consist of sodium polyacrylate "consistent with the super absorbent polymer (SAP) material used in the filter monitors on a fuelling dispenser".


These spheres were present in the hose end strainer of Surabaya's fuel dispenser JUA06 used for refueling B-HLL before the accident flight.

The investigation is still working to determine how those spheres were created and how they entered the aircraft.


Following the extension work it was noted that between April 10th and April 15th four fuel dispensers had unscheduled fuel filter monitor replacements due to high differential pressure readings of the monitor vessel, which is indicative of a filter monitor clogging.


Further tests have been conducted on Surabaya's airport fuel supply system. A fuel sample taking from the supply for stands 5 to 10 showed sodium chloride and water in the sample, the source of the contamination could not be determined however.


Another Boeing 747-400 registration B-HLM performing flight CX-780 departing Surabaya on April 12th 2010 had been refueled by dispenser JUA06. During the flight the crew experienced engine #1 (Trent 700, outer left) parameter fluctuations however without associated ECAM messages. The #1 FMU (fuel metering unit) was replaced following the flight. In the light of the accident flight the following day the FMU of B-HLM was also examined and showed contamination with spheres consistent with those found on the accident aircraft. Those spheres were also found in the low pressure fuel filter of the #1 engine of B-HLM.


One of the fuel dispensers at Surabaya, monitoring and pressure differential (Photo: CAD):


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