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Carribean Island- Bahamas

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Good evening everyone,


First of all, my name is Felix Ramseyer and I'm spending most of my time in Puerto Rico, San Juan.


In the moment I'm in Germany for business reason and found this great forum a few days ago.


Seems like there are some real experts in the forum.


My German is really bad but I try my best to explain the question I got to you guys.


Es geht um ein klein Insel in die Karibik (Bahamas) welch zu einem guten Preis zu Verkaufen steht. Mein Frage an euch ist ob wohl möglich ist ein Landebahn (not asphaltic) für Kleinflugzeug zu machen ohne das zu melden oder muss beantragt werden beim Staat.



entschuldigung falls die fragen etwas komisch sich anhören aber vllt wissen jemand von euch etwas zu dieses Thema.


Sorry again for my really bad German but I think that's the normal language in this forum.



Thanks a lot and if nobody has a Tip for me, that's no problem.


I wish you a nice evening and Happy Landings.


Hello Felix,


As this is a legal question, I suggest that you contact a local lawyer who is familiar with the law of the Bahamas. Everything else is just a risk.


Kind regards,




P.S. I've been to Puerto Rico two years ago and it is a lovely place that you have chosen to live :).

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