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FS9 NL2000 V3.0 special edition, new aerial photographs (only for FS2004)

Johan "Bigfoot"

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Hallo NL2000 Fans


Von denn Gratis Holland Scenery NL2000 ist jetzt eine neue Special Edition mit neue und bessere Luftbilder von 2005.

Das sind die gleiche Luftbilder die fur denn FSX Version V4.0 benutzt werden.


Die totale download grose von NL2000 Version 3.0 Special Edition ist 24 GB !!!


Fur info und download info, sehe diese Link: http://www.nl-2000.com/nuke/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=229


NL2000 V3.0 special edition, new aerial photographs (only for FS2004)

December 22 2009


One of the new features in NL2000 V4.0 will be a terrain scenery based on aerial photographs from 2005.

Not only are these photos more recent but have more lively colours and better contrast.


Because a lot of users still fly FS2004, we decided to release these new photos for NL2000V3.0 as well.


With this new set of photos NL2000 V3.0 gets a proper facelift.

The coast line, beaches and rivers are all more accurate as well.

We did not change anything to the airports or 3D objects, we are reserving that for V4.0.


Click here for the complete story. http://www.nl-2000.com/nuke/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=229


NL2000 V3.0 Special Edition, as this version will be known, can be downloaded using the bittorrent network.

You can find the torrent file from our web site.


Please Note: This version, just like it's predecessor V3.0, is only designed to work with FS2004.

The same photos will be in V4.0 as well, at that time everyone will be able to enjoy them in FSX.

Water effects are much nicer in V4.0 because we can use FSX techniques.

We really can't give you a release date for V4.0, we're still working hard on that.


Have a lot of fun with V3.0 Special Edition, and let us know what you think


NL2000 version 3.0 Special Edition download instructions:


Sehe diese Link: http://www.nl-2000.com/nuke/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=227


NL2000 Releases: System requirements and settings:


Minimal system requirements of NL2000 version 3.0 are:


2.0 GHz processor

333Mhz FSB

1024 RAM internal memory

128 MB 3D video card (directX 9)

35GB of free space in a NTFS partition

Installed version of Microsoft FS2004

WindowsXp (all versions) or Windows Vista (all versions)

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, free downloads from http://www.microsoft.com

With above described minimal system setup not all advanced functionality of FS2004 and NL2000 can be used optimally.

However, most functions of NL2000 will work correctly.


When you want to be able to use all functionality of FS2004 optimally, we advise a system with at least:


3.0 GHz processor (or one of comparable rating)

>= 400Mhz FSB

>= 2 GB internal memory

256 MB video card (directX 9)

35 GB of free space in a NTFS partition

Installed version of Microsoft FS2004

WindowsXp (all versions) or Windows Vista (all versions)

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, free downloads from http://www.microsoft.com

You can achieve the optimal settings with Feature Panel


Screen resolution of your monitor should be set to at least 1024 x 768 pixels.


In your Flight Simulator’s library the scenery “Western Europe” should be activated.


Grusse aus Holland und Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!


Dazu viel Gesundheit! Bigfoot. :cool:

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Hi Johan,


24GB sind schon viel ... ich warte die ersten Berichte und Bilder ab ... ich will schließlich in den Weihnachtsferien verstärkt mit der F70 nach AMS fliegen :)

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Hmm... ist ja sehr Fair so ein grosses Projekt Freeware zur verfügung zu stellen, aber ich kann mich mit Foto-Szenerien einfach nicht anfreunden... von oben sieht das immer Prima aus aber in Bodennähe, naja... eine Mischung zwischen Fototextur und vieeel Autogen Häuser, Bäume etc. das wäre natürlich was anderes, aber wenn da nur einzelne Gebäude platziers sind, ist das leider nichts für mich...

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