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Here is a link to several short video clip of real WW II fighter aircraft. Below the link are pics of 4 of them.


There are several other aircraft in the clips. The planes are in a collection (Paul Allen - Microsoft billionaire - www dot flyingheritage dot com), at a local airport, and are flown each year.








In the past month, I made some MP3 files of the sounds of the planes taxiing, taking off and making low fly-by passes.


The sound tracks can be found AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE. Links for downloading them ARE AT THE BOTTOM. There also are 2 short MP 3 files of just the sounds of the low level fly-bys.


You are welcome to help yourself to the pics and videos and to do with them as you wish. They can be added to a page or used as, or to make a ring tone, etc...

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