FalconJockey Geschrieben 29. November 2009 Geschrieben 29. November 2009 Hi! Heute Abend werden alle Eurocontrol-Sektoren ab 1800 Lokalzeit (1700Z) besetzt sein, hier der Event-Text auf Englisch: In support for VATEUD's Division and the EDDN Christkindlesmarkt FlyIn for Sunday, the EuroControl VACC will be online in FULL FORCE! The EuroControl sectors appear distinctly in ServInfo in pink when reserved or online. So the EuroCenter VACC presents EUROPE PINK NIGHT where the EUC VACC is providing upper level radar services for all of the VATSIM-Europe [VATEUD] Division (FL240 and higher). 5 positions 5 controllers (the best quality controllers from the VATEUR Region's 3 Divisions: VATEUD, UK, Russia) Full upper level ATC coverage for Europe a. Event Date: Sunday 29 November 2009 from 1700 until 1900Z, at least! b. Virtual Airline Name or Event sponsor: EuroControl VACC [EUC] http://euc-vacc.org c. EUC VACC positions: EuroControl North, EuroControl South, Maastricht EuroControl, EuroControl West, EuroControl East d. Radar services for en route traffic above Flight Level 240 only Fly to/from Nuremberg [EDDN] from anywhere in VATEUD for en route radar services: Event Post Enjoy! ServInfo zeigt die aktuell gebuchten Sektoren: Zitieren
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