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IVAO BAV Virtual - OverNighter #3 - Land Of The Rising Sun

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Moin Moin,


vielleicht hat ja der ein oder andere lust 8)

British Airways Virtual

in association with the


Air Traffic Control Networks

announces ...




The "OverNighters" - No.3

The Ultra-Long Haul Real Time

Overnight Event for BAV Pilots


(... can you stay up long enough ? ...)



BA 005

London Heathrow Airport (EGLL)

Tokyo Narita (RJAA)



Saturday afternoon/Sunday morning

3rd and 4th October 2009


Departures from: 12:30GMT (13:30BST, 14:30 CET);

Arrivals from: 23:50GMT (00:50BST, 08:50 local time in Tokyo)

Enroute Time: 11 hours 40 minutes


Tokyo local time: GMT + 9 hours (DST not in effect, so Tokyo is in fact +8 hours ahead of the UK at the moment)


Routing: To be advised


British Airways Virtual, in association with VATSIM Japan and IVAO Japan, is proud to announce the third of our long haul OVERNIGHTER online flights! This time, we head off to the Land of the Rising Sun and the spectacular all night city of Tokyo for the last BAV long haul of 2009. British Airways has a daily scheduled flight from Heathrow to Tokyo Narita airport each day. This flight BA005 normally leaves the UK at 1:45pm in the afternoon and arrives around 9:05am the next morning. For our event, departures will begin at 12:30GMT (13:30 local) and will be staggered with pilots utilising 36 slot times of 5 minutes separation, over 3 hours (12:30Z – 15:30Z). These slots will be available for both VATSIM and IVAO, allowing for some 72 departure slots. Pilots may choose which network suits them for the event.


For the second time, and in keeping with BAV’s new relationship with the IVAO online Air Traffic Control network, this event will utilise IVAO’s online ATC services, as well as that of VATSIM, allowing pilots a choice of how they fly online.


London to Tokyo takes around 11 hours and 40 minutes to 12 hours, depending on winds and speed in the 747-400 (slightly longer in an Airbus A340), so this will be a long one. What is better for this event is that you will depart in the early afternoon in the UK and arrive in the very early morning of Sunday, UK time (about 1:00am UK time which is 9:00am local time in Tokyo). Will you be able to keep awake through the night and fly safely all the way across Northern Russia? Can you stay awake long enough to complete the flight?


For this Fly-In event, pilots may use the aircraft of their choice provided that it is of a type that can fly the trip non-stop and provided that the pilot is RANKED to fly their chosen aircraft! Those of us who do shift work for a living may well be used to this and can cope better - but for those of you who have never done this kind of "shift" we will be posting a few tips for you! Look out for the OverNighter threads, soon to appear here in the forum for more information. Scenery options for Japan and the Tokyo area for both FS9 and FSX, will be announced shortly


UK Charts and Procedures (for EGLL) can be found here:-


http://www.nats-uk.ead-it.com/public/in ... mid=2.html


Subscribers to Navigraph may be able to get up-to-date charts for Narita (RJAA). Links to other charts will be posted shortly and this post will be updated accordingly. The real world flight plan for the day will be available and some weight and fuel options for you will also be made available to help your planning.


Feel free to post any questions you might have and we'll try to answer them. The new Fly-in Booking System will be operational before the event and a Fly-In Number will be allocated in due course, to allow you to obtain BAV hours for your logbook if you are successful in completing the flight!


So keep it here!





Lee James - 747 Training Captain

Florian Harms - Events Organiser

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