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FS9 Wolkentransparenz in FS9/FS2004


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Hallo zusammen,


Ich habe gerade die neue "HD" Texturen von Carlos Pablo Diaz runterladen und obwohl die ganz scharf und schön aussehen, gibt's irgendwelche Prbleme bei der Darstellung im Simulator. Die wolken, die eigentlich in der Ferne liegen schwimmen vor den Wolken, die ganz Nah ans Fleugzeug sind. Die nähe Wolken fliegen aber wie normal schnell dabei, und der Effekt is besonders komisch, als ob die Wolken schwimmen.


Hat jmd von euch das schon erlebt? Gibt es da eine Lösung?







und jetzt mal auf meine Muttersprache, mein D ist wie immer ganz schlecht:


Hello all,


I've just downloaded a very nice set of "high definition" clouds by Pablo Diaz off of http://www.escuadron69.net/v20/foro/index.php?


They are great looking, but I'm having problems when certain clouds pass in front of one another. It seems that certain clouds are more transparent than others, and the cloud appears behind a cloud in the distance, although it is passing by me faster (since it is closer to the aircraft). The effect is hard to describe, but it makes farther clouds look like they are closer than the clouds right near the aircraft. I'm chalking it up to a transparency issue, but was wondering if there was a solution?

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I DO know what you are actually talking about, but I am not so sure if I have a proper solution, but: you could check your settings regarding the display options. Maybe this set of cloud textures need the slider for the "amount" of 3D clouds fully activated or fully disabled. That is basically the only thing I remember affecting the lucency of the clouds... Otherwise try to contact Pablo Diaz directly, I am sure you'll find his eMail somewhere in the .zip file you downloaded...

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