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IVAO IVAO Flugplan


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Hallo Jungs,


da ich gerade mit dem Flieger bei IVAO auf Unicom unterwegs bin, schaute ich mich gerade mal bei IVAe um. Hierbei sind mir verschiedene Flugpläne aufgefallen im Feld "Other Informations".


Daher meine Frage, was genau gehört dort regelmässig hinein, auch im realen Leben?


Gruß Mike

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Item 18 : Other Information


Insert 0 (zero), if no other information is to be inserted, or


if any other necessary information is required,


then in the preferred sequence shown below, insert in the form of an appropriate indicator, followed by an oblique stroke and the information to be recorded.



ALTN/ destination alternate aerodrome if the letter group „ZZZZ“ is inserted in Item 16


CODE/ Aircraft address (expressed in the form of an alphanumerical code of six hexadecimal characters) when required by the appropriate ATS authority


COM/ indication of radio telephony equipment carried if letter „Z“ is indicated in Item 10


DAT/ Data related to data link; followed by the letters S (for satellite), H (for HF), V (for VHF), and/or M (for SSR Mode S)


DEP/ departure aerodrome if the letter group „ZZZZ“ is inserted in Item 13 or the point from which the flight plan is applicable, or the position from which supplementary flight plan data may be obtained if the letter group „AFIL“ is inserted in Item 13


Note: AFIL stands for Air File, used when a flight plan is filed while airborne.

This normally would not be used within IVAO since filing a flightplan before departure is obligatory.



DEST/ destination aerodrome if the letter group „ZZZZ“ is inserted in Item 16, or the point to which the flight plan is applicable


DOF/ Date of flight, given in the sequence year-month-day


EET/ significant points, points with change of flight rules, indication of locations or FIR boundaries with accumulated estimated elapsed time


NAV/ indication about the radio navigation equipment carried if the letter „Z“ is indicated in Item 10


OPR/ aircraft operator, if not obvious from the aircraft identification in Item 7 of the flight plan form


Note: This is additional to the radio callsign indicted in item 7. It can not carry different or contrary information to item 7!.


PER/ aircraft performance data (e.g. rate of climb)


RALT/ name of en-route alternate aerodromes


REG/ aircraft identification, if not already indicated in item 7


RFP/Qn replacement flight plan (replacement, alternative flight plan), „n“ indicating the current number 1 – 9 of the replacement flight plan for the flight concerned


RIF/ changes of routing to the changed destination aerodrome and/or changed destination aerodrome


RMK/ any other remark significant for the handling of the flight by the Air Traffic Services




STS/ Reasons for special handling



* STS/EMER Flights engaged in emergency missions (***)

* STS/EXM833 State aircraft, not equipped with 8.33 kHz channel spacing radio equipment prescribed for an area

* STS/HEAD Flights with Heads of States

* STS/HOSP Flights with sick or injured persons needing immediate medical assistance, including flights urgently required for life-saving medical care of sick or injured persons. This comprises both flights for the transport of transplants, stored blood and medicine and flights to be conducted to pick up a patient, transplants, stored blood or medicine at the destination place.

* STS/HUM Flights operating for humanitarian reasons

* STS/NIL Replaces all other STS/entries. Only to be used when reporting flight plan changes.

* STS/NONRNAV State aircraft, not equipped with type RNP prescribed for a route segment, a routing and/or an area

* STS/NONRVSM State aircraft without RVSM permission.

* STS/PROTECTED Flights critical to safety, the flight plan of which is only to be made available to a limited circle of recipients.

* STS/RNAVINOP For aircraft, the RNAV equipment of which is inoperable at short notice or no longer complies with the required minimum conditions

* STS/SAR Flights engaged in Search and Rescue missions (***)

* STS/STATE Government flights

(***) Leads to an automatic exemption from ATFM restrictions.






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