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Some Shots from SAW-LTFJ


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these runway shots are impressive! Guess the Radio Altimeter isn't of much use there :)

Nicely done and thanks for sharing!


Any idea what the orange tailed plane on the first shot is? Has got the nose of a 737 to me but seems to be too long to be one. Or maybe my plane-recognising-skills are still asleep...;)






Edit: Guess I found it :)


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Any idea what the orange tailed plane on the first shot is? Has got the nose of a 737 to me but seems to be too long to be one. Or maybe my plane-recognising-skills are still asleep...


For me it looks like a Boeing 767 according the wing, maybe a 767-400. The nose is irritating, looks really like a 737 nose, indeed.

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Definitely a 707! But also to me, an unknown Livery. I'll try to get what it is exactly though... ;)


Thanks for the pictures, haven't seen any daylight pictures from Sabiha yet. How are conditions for spotting there? Probably as usual in Turkey, the police isn't quite aware of what spotters are?






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Zitat von ltbaspotter

Any idea what the orange tailed plane on the first shot is? Has got the nose of a 737 to me but seems to be too long to be one.

That's a 707 - but I don't know exactly! :005:


Ok, it's a 707 from Koda Air Cargo!

It seems to be the 9L-LDU - here you can find a pic of it: B707 - Koda Air Cargo

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I checked internet it's Air Leone B707, 9L-LDU leased from Koda Air



It was burn out before take off to Bishkek on 24.12.2005 at 01:15 am



some more information



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Great job Bülent!


Really nice shots from Sabiha Gökcen Istanbul.

Specially the "TC-ANA" Airbus A319 of "REPUBLIC OF TURKEY"


But you also know...LTFJ is a Military Security Zone with no permission to shot photos...so you are our first "criminal" spotter:rolleyes:

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