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Holland diskutiert über Airport in der Nordsee


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In Holland plant man an einem Airport in der Nordsee, und das sogar mit drehbaren Runways.


Dutch plans for floating airport in North Sea

23 September, 2008


Royal Haskoning unveils airport 20km off Dutch coast, including rotating runways

Dutch engineer Royal Haskoning has unveiled proposals for floating airport in the North Sea.


The airport, which would sit about 20km off the Dutch coast, would include floating and rotating runways and passengers would be transferred to the mainland on shuttles through bored tunnels.


Royal Haskoning, which has been working with dredging company Van Oord on the proposal, said the scheme would reduce the pressure on Schiphol Airport and cut noise and air pollution affecting local communities.


The proposal also includes plans to create 250 km² of “new land” off the coast of Holland. The project would take about 25 years and use up around 3.8bn cubic metres of sand from the North Sea.


The companies have also suggested a new row of dunes on the reclaimed land to cope with the expected rise in sea levels of 60-80 cm before the end of the century.


The news comes as mayor of London Boris Johnson revealed plans to replace Heathrow with a 24-hour airport in the Thames estuary.


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Johan "Bigfoot"

Hallo Oldfly1


Zuerst sehen und dann glauben. :005:

Das sagen die Hollander immer, aber danke für deine interessante Beitrag.


Grusse von EHAM Bigfoot. :cool:

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Also im Flugsimulator ist das schon realisierbar, ein verregneter Sonntag mit einem Scenery Designer Progi und der Flugplatz sollte eigentlich dann "eröffnet" werden können, sogar "for free", ohne Steurgelder. :005:


Beste Grüsse nach Holland

Andy :D

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