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ICAO Level 4 in Zurich


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Hi all,


sorry if I'm writing in English but I do not know German and english aviation forum are all in German. I'll take part on Tuesday, 31th to ICAO Level 4 exam in Zurich. Did anyone already done this exam? Any suggestion or tricks?




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Hi Ste


You will have the choice to take the test in english. The first part is a tape running with various subjects like a METAR or instructions from the tower and you have 4 different choices of possible answers that fit the situation.


The second part will be you and two Examiners. They will show you a picture that is topic related and you will have to comment on that picture. Afterwards they might ask you some more flight specific questions to see how fluent you are in english.


That's it.


Good luck on Tuesday...



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Hi Ste


You will have the choice to take the test in english. The first part is a tape running with various subjects like a METAR or instructions from the tower and you have 4 different choices of possible answers that fit the situation.


The second part will be you and two Examiners. They will show you a picture that is topic related and you will have to comment on that picture. Afterwards they might ask you some more flight specific questions to see how fluent you are in english.


That's it.


Good luck on Tuesday...



Roger, thanks for your information. Seems not so difficult in this way. Maybe I've have to study some technical terms about aviation and aircraft. I've tried TEA english test from mayflower college in UK (http://www.maycoll.co.uk/aviation-english/tea.html) with result 61.8% and a degree of ICAO level 3-4.




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Hello Ste


The UK CAA has a good radiotelephony manual (ICAO lingo) free for download on their Web site. That knowledge should please the Swissies when you take your test.




Good luck!

Thanks, I'm reading it. Seems similar to my slide on RTF I've used to pass RTF exam.


Thanks again




My examiners will be Mrs Gwen Cavalli and Mr. Silvio Dreier :D

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Hi Ste

as you are in Italy and - maybe - speak italien - I'm not sure if you can get the answer sheet in italian. Sorry for not catching this earlier...



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Hi Ste

as you are in Italy and - maybe - speak italien - I'm not sure if you can get the answer sheet in italian. Sorry for not catching this earlier...



Which sheet are u referring to?



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