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Diamond receives EASA Type Certificate for Austro Engine powered DA42 NG


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Diamond receives EASA Type Certificate for Austro Engine powered DA42 NG


On 12.03.2009 Diamond Aircraft received the much anticipated type certificate for its DA42 NG, powered by the 170 hp Austro Engine AE-300.


“We are delighted to be able to resume volume deliveries of the DA42, less than 11 months after the insolvency of TAE”, said Christian Dries, CEO of Diamond Aircraft Industries. “The DA42 NG is better in every respect with much improved performance, increased gross weight, even better fuel efficiency and the Garmin GFC 700 autopilot and is prepared for Garmin Synthetic Vision System. With over 40 airframes already in various stages of production, we will be delivering the first aircraft almost immediately. Most important to the existing customer base, we are focusing our efforts to achieve the certification of the optional upgrade of all delivered DA42’s with the Austro Engine, such that all customers can benefit from these improvements along with comprehensive customer support for their engines. We will shortly be announcing the details of an all inclusive maintenance program that will ensure a superior level of support as we work to extend the TBO of the engine from 1000 to 2000 hours. In parallel we are pursuing validation of the certification in all other markets as quickly as possible.”


With over 500 delivered aircraft operating worldwide, the DA42 is the best selling light twin engine piston aircraft, popular with private pilots and commercial flight training organizations. With its all carbon airframe, known ice certification, Garmin G1000 and single lever jetfuel powered turbo-diesel engines, the DA42 is the undisputed technology leader in general aviation.


The DA42 MPP multi purpose special mission sensor platform version of the DA42 is gaining worldwide popularity in search and rescue, law enforcement, border patrol, security, maritime surveillance, high accuracy digital mapping, and ecological monitoring.


For further information please visit http://www.diamond-air.at.


We kindly invite you to visit us on our booth in hall A4 at the AERO Friedrichshafen, 02.04. – 05.04.2009.


Quelle: http://www.diamond-air.at/news_detail+M52324814622.html


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