FalconJockey Geschrieben 25. Januar 2009 Geschrieben 25. Januar 2009 Hallo zusammen, ein Freund von mir fliegt immer wieder mal mit einer gemieteten SR22 durch die Staaten und im Sommer 2008 ging es durch die Wildnis Alaskas. Orte wie Ketchikan, Kodiak und Fairbanks wurden angeflogen und besucht. Er hat darüber einen Bericht (Englisch) auf seine Website gestellt, den ich euch nicht vorenthalten will. Damit ihr einen Vorgeschmack kriegt, stelle ich das Editorial des Berichts hier rein, den Rest gibt es dann unter diesem Link. Für den Bericht müsst ihr euch etwas Zeit nehmen, er ist umfangreich, aber jede Minute wert. ============================================================= Editorial Dear Reader! Thanks for visiting this site. Let me give you a brief overview of what you can expect on the next pages. If you like to read about exotic ways of traveling, this site might interest you. If you are just interested in Alaska, its people, its wild life, or its beautiful scenery, this site is definitely for you. And if you are interested in reading what other people do in their vacation time, you might as well have fun reading this stuff. This is a web log of our Alaska trip in 2008 - our third trip to this area. We, that's my wife Rosina and myself, Norbert. We live in Germany and spend our regular days in front of computers, writing technical software. As a counterpoint, we try to make somewhat adventurous vacations -- we rent a small airplane somewhere in the world and fly from place to place, pretty much like other people do with a rental car. The big advantage of an airplane is: You get to see so much more than from a car. And, of course, you can travel longer distances without getting tired or being bored. Every single flight on our trips is a great experience in its own and not just a way of getting from A to B. Follow us over the clouds If the thought might come to your mind that you could try this out yourself: Yes, of course you can. Getting a pilots license is less difficult than many people think, and even the time while you are working on your license is fun in itself. And, it is less expensive than you might think. (No, I am neither a flight instructor nor am I associated with a flight school.) Unfortunately, many people who have got their license do not make much use of it. By reading on, you run the risk of growing your appetite to undertake a similar trip! I warned you. Alaska - A Breathtaking Beauty The rest of this site is organized in pages that each describe one stop of our four-week trip. You can easily navigate to a random page by clicking in the menu bar to the left. Note that each entry in the menu bar designates the destination of that day, and that's not necessarily the point where we started that day. The reason for this convention is that we often do our flying in the morning. We get up - not too early - have a lazy breakfast, than do some two hours of flying, which gets us to our next destination. Typically, we arrive in the early afternoon, have a quick bite and spend the rest of the day exploring the city, taking a hike, or just enjoying whatever our destination has to offer. That makes our destination sort of the theme of the day. Of course, if we like the place, we sometimes stay two or more nights. This rhythm works best for us and is in tune with mother nature, the air being less turbulent in the morning than in the afternoon. Of the many pictures we take on the way, we can only present a small selection. Please note, that you can click on any picture to get an enlarged view in a separate browser window. The size of the pictures is optimized for speedy display, even over slower connections. If you particularly like a shot and want to have it as wallpaper for your computer, let us know and we send you a high resolution copy. If you would like to acquire the right to use one of our pictures commercially we'd be glad to discuss terms. Of course, we would be delighted to read your comments about our site, or even better, learn about your own travel experiences and receive your suggestions for our own travel. We appreciate your e-mail or your entry in the guest book. And now we want to invite you to follow us on our trip from California to Alaska and back. We hope you enjoy the ride... Zitieren
bleuair Geschrieben 26. Januar 2009 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2009 Sali Andi, Vielen Dank für den Link! Sehr sehr sehr ausführlich, in der Tat - und "leider" nicht der einzige Alaska-Flugbericht aus seiner Feder... Vom ersten Bericht 2004 habe ich lediglich die Piloteninfo gelesen - das beeindruckt schon sehr, wie er da vorgeht. Er legt die Anforderungen fest und landet bei einer P210 (schnell, stark, Druckkabine, Hochdecker), welche dann leider nicht verfügbar war. Die angebotene Alternative war eine SR20 (vor 5 Jahren!), er wählt dann eine SR22, macht die Einweisung in 6h und fliegt damit wie ein alter Hase. Das ganze selbstverständlich IFR. Da muss man ganz schön die eigenen Skills beurteilen können und Selbstvertrauen haben. Hat mich fast mehr beeindruckt als all die (ungelesenen) Geschichten von Kodiak Island und die dazugehörenden Bildern. Soon to be reloaded...! Zitieren
Young Pilot Geschrieben 26. Januar 2009 Geschrieben 26. Januar 2009 Hi Danke für den Link. Das ist auch mal mein Traum, wenn ich dann die PPL habe, leider ist eine solche Reise sehr teurer... Gruss Roman Zitieren
Andrews Geschrieben 1. Februar 2009 Geschrieben 1. Februar 2009 Hey Ist ja voll cool!!! Würde ich auch gerne mal machen. Einfach für ein Tage mit einem kleinen Flieger von Ort zu Ort fliegen, und die Lanschaft von Oben geniessen :cool: Tschüss Zitieren
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