loww Geschrieben 19. Januar 2009 Geschrieben 19. Januar 2009 ein paar gedanken aus einem kurzen artikel auf aopa.org dazu, auch für uns kleine interessant und aktuell: "...“If you have an emergency shortly after takeoff, the call of the runway behind you can be extremely strong,” Landsberg said. “But time and again we see pilots desperately trying to make it back stall and spin into the ground instead. Look for the best option within a few degrees of your flight path.” Finding a good option can be especially difficult in urban areas, making it important for pilots to know what their choices are before an emergency strikes. “Pilots should memorize the best emergency landing locations at their home airport and any other fields they visit regularly,” Landsberg said. “At new airports, it’s a good idea to make note of potential emergency landing locations as you approach. That way you have a mental map ready when you take off again.”...." gesamter artikel auf http://www.aopa.org/training/articles/2009/090116airbus.html mfg wolfgang kugler Zitieren
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