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final flight RS01

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Sailing Dutchman

Together with a friend we tried to catch the b irds of the last TLP of the year 2008 number 6 but unfortunately the weather was a big partypooper and at our arrival at the fields surrouding the airfield we noticed there had been icerain and you could iceskate on the road.

From other spotters we heard that at the armymuseum in Brussels the first Seaking RS01 would arrive where it would be placed on display.

So we left for Brussels and arrived in time to see its arrival.









Afterwards we made a quick visit to the museum itself and headed back for home.


Truly impressive to see such a massive Helo land in between buildings. Do you know if they are now all gone or if RS01 is the only one taken out of service?





Sailing Dutchman

It is the first taken out of service but the RS02 is used for spares already back at Koksijde so only the last 3 are still operational.

the NH90 should replace them in due time but the production of the first for the belgians has still to start.

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