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VATSIM [Oct 19th 18z-2030z] Frankfurt Sunday Experience - Vol. 4

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Frankfurt Sunday Experience - Vol. 4


Dear Pilots,


the Frankfurt FIR as a member of VACC SAG invites you to our "Frankfurt Sunday Experience" shuttle event. We will offer you fortnightly alternating destinations to mostly unpopular but interesting airports. Furthermore you can expect challenging approaches and professional ATC. Our partners will be within a range of maximum two hours around Frankfurt.


On Sunday 19th of October, Chambéry LFLB/CMF is our shuttle partner from 1800z until 2030z.


Chambéry international airport is the gateway to France’s mountain summer resorts, spas, and its greatest lakes. It is also a perfect location to reach some major ski resorts. In particular the airport has a 2020 metre runway that can accommodate all types of aircraft (up to Boeing 757-200s).


For pre-flight preparation visit http://events.edff-fir.de/sunday/ and familiarize with the local procedures in Frankfurt and Chambéry, especially if you would like to perform a visual circling in Chambéry.


See you on Sunday.


Marco Baumann

VACC-SAG | EDFF-FIR PR/Event Manager



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