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VATSIM [21. Sep. 2008 18z] Frankfurt Sunday Experience

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Frankfurt Sunday Experience




Do you always fly to the same destinations?

Do you always fly the same routes?

Do you know most of your airports you are flying to like the back of one's hand?

Isn't that awfully boring?

If you need a change visit Frankfurt/Main Airport [EDDF/FRA] at Sunday, 21st 1800UTC

Partnerairport: LOWS/SZG Salzburg


The Frankfurt ATC crew has introduced a new sequence of events. Every two weeks we offer alternating destinations to our pilots at Sunday evening starting 1800UTC. Mostly, we choose nonfamouse airports within a range of two hours out of Frankfurt. Furthermore, our partner airports will have interesting and exciting approach procedures.


Controllers will provide finest ATC service in Frankfurt and Salzburg.


All information you need, you can get there: http://events.edff-fir.de/sunday/

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