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FS Performance Tipps

Steffen D

Empfohlene Beiträge



hier ein par performance tipps aus UT Europe:


by UT Europe


Disable Last File Access Stamping


Every time flight simulator reads from a file (and it does this a lot), the windows XP file system will write a few bytes to the file which sets the file access time. Unless you have a reason for knowing when your files were last accessed (read), you should disable this feature.

To disable “last file access stamping”, you will need to go to the system prompt. To get a system prompt, go to Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. This will open up an old-style DOS window.

At the command prompt (blinking cursor), type:


fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1


Press the Enter key to execute the command above. Type exit (followed by enter) to exit the command prompt window.




Disable Windows File Indexing


The windows file indexing service will speed up disk searches accomplished by the Windows XP “Search” feature. However, this feature can really slow down gaming and simulation applications.

To disable the file indexing:

Open Control Panel

Select Add/Remove Programs

Press “Add/Remove Windows Components” button.

Make sure “Indexing Service” box is unchecked.

* information provided by pcstats.com.




Increase CPU Priority To The Foreground Process

Because this next suggestion requires a registry edit, you should back up your registry first. To increase the CPU priority to the foreground process, start Regedit and navigate to the following key:


Change the dword value of Win32PrioritySeparation to 26. Make sure the hexadecimal button is clicked for the base. You should then see the following value attached to the Win32PrioritySeparation keyword.




Save your changes and reboot the system to run with the new setting. By default, the factory setting is usually 2.




FS2004 Settings (inside and outside of FS2004)

Target Frame Rate

If you have a problem with the blurrries, do not set the target frame rate to “Unlimited”. Set the target frame rate to something else (maybe in the range of 18 to 22 ?). The lower you can go with the target frame rate, the more time FS will have to deal with issues like the blurries.



Für den ersten Tipp müssen VISTA Nutzer unter Administrator Berechtigung das DOS Programm öffnen, sonst geht es nicht














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Hast Du es ausprobiert?


Bringt das was?

Auch im FSX?


Sollte schon mindestens 3-5 FPS bringen, sonst lohnt es sich fast nicht!




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Habe alles befolgt, kann es aber erst morgen ausführlich testen. Ich melde mich wenn's was neues gibt.

Weiterhin stand im Dokument das damit vor allem das Ruckeln, was bei vielen durch das laden der Texturen entsteht, verkleinert werden soll.

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