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Europe Hubs Event

Empfohlene Beiträge




The Netherlands, German, French and of course United Kindom divisions of IVAO are proud to bring you one of the biggest shuttle events in Europe, ever held on IVAO! On the 10th and/or 18th of May from 1700z, fly between four of Europe's leading hubs; airports which everyday transport passengers to almost every place on the globe - Heathrow, Frankfurt, Paris CDG and Amsterdam.

Complete a whole circuit by flying to all four airports in one day and you'll be rewarded with one point towards the Pilot Award. If you do two circuits, one on each date, you'll get two points!


Real routings have been provided as well as scenery and charts for all airports.


Event Webpage Routings Sceneries and Charts


See you there!


Tom Perry GB-EC

Ross McLennan GB-EAC

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