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PMDG MD-11 Progress Update!

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Jan-Paul Schuchna


I have a few schedule updates that I thought might interest you. I've wanted to provide you with these updates, but had to nail down a few details before we could go public with them.


I have three products to clarify- so I am going to make three individual posts in order to ensure that the information is easy to read and find!




This product is rapidly taking shape, and the past quarter has seen a significant forward leap in progress. We've probably been slowed a bit by continued focus on the 400/400X products, but not nearly as badly as throughout most of 2007. Michael, Bill and Vin have been making significant headway and the product is easily in better condition than any product we've yet released. We have only a few major components left to install- and we are hoping to have them integrated by end of April.


If this plan holds, we will likely see us transition from ALPHA testing to BETA testing at end-April, start-May. This is a pretty exciting milestone because none of us are expecting a long BETA gestation period on account of the amount of input and testing that this product has already received up to this point.


As usual, I'm not going to project a release time-table because this would virtually guarantee that we'd run into problems and miss that date entirely. Instead, you can expect to begin seeing more video and screenshot demonstrations on this product in beginning next week!


During previous new product releases, we always field a large number of customer requests to obtain access to the manuals for the airplane prior to release. With these requests in mind, we are anticipating having the manuals available well before release so that you can begin brushing up on your McDonnell Douglas/Boeing processes- and be well studied in time for initial delivery of the MD-11 to your hangar.


Stay tuned for more information soon!




Robert S. Randazzo

Precision Manuals Development Group



Gruß Jan-Paul

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