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Ryanair ruscht in Limoges von Piste


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Eine B737 der Fluggesellschaft Ryanair ist aus Chaleroi kommend in Limoges beim Landen von der Piste abgekommen. Lt. ersten Berichten konnten alle Passagiere die Maschine über Notrutschen verlassen, nur wenige Passagiere mussten mit leichten Verletzungen in ein Hospital gebracht werden ...


Gruss Frank

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Ryanair Incident in Limoges - Friday, 21st March

Ryanair confirmed this afternoon (21st March 2008) that its flight FR1216 from Brussels Charleroi to Limoges in Western France, which landed on schedule at 16.00 (local), skidded after landing and the aircraft came to a stop approx. 10 metres off the end of the runway in a grass run-off area.


At the time of landing, it was raining, the runway was wet and subject to gusting winds, although the prevailing conditions were within safely limits.


None of the 175 passengers, or the 6 crew suffered injuries as a result of this skid. The Captain initiated an emergency exit and passengers were evacuated using the aircraft slides and were transferred by bus to the terminal building. Their bags were subsequently removed to allow them continue onwards to their destination. All passengers have been offered any assistance necessary in order to complete their journey. One pregnant passenger has been taken to hospital as a precautionary measure.


The passengers waiting in Limoges for the outbound flight have been transferred to nearby Poitiers Airport (approx. 1 hour) where a spare Ryanair aircraft is presently positioning from Stansted to operate their flight to Brussels Charleroi. A Ryanair Team of Engineers is travelling to Poitiers on their aircraft and they will work through the evening to tow the aircraft onto the ramp in Limoges, inspect it and repair any wheel damage if necessary.


Ryanair has notified the Irish and French Aviation Authorities of this incident, and will be co-operating fully with any inquiries they wish to make and Ryanair will be conducting its own internal inquiry in full co-operation with them.


Until of the cause of this incident has been established, Ryanair will not be in a position to comment further on it.


Gruß Bastian

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