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Dolomiten Sceneries für FSX mit ganz hoher Auflösung

Johan "Bigfoot"

Empfohlene Beiträge

Hallo Dolomiten Fans


Habe die ganze Dolomiten fur FSX gefunden mit eine 2 meter Auflosung.

Fur info sehe unten.

Das Base Pack und die Dolomiten Gruppen sind gratis.

Wie mehr wil kann erweiterungen kaufen die nicht teuer sind.:005:

Das Base Pack kann mann auch bei Flightsim.com downloaden.

Die Dolomiten Gruppen gibt es hier: http://www.fsfile.com/6_FSX_ItalVFR_Addons.html


Hier noch ein par video Links dazu:


Italvfr-Dolomiti: http://www.depositvideo.com/watch/d5d21a44b0e5886680cb/Italvfr-Dolomiti


Monte Pelmo video: http://www.depositvideo.com/


Tofane-di-Rozes video: http://www.depositvideo.com/watch/953a8cd9526fca6fe9ba/Tofane-di-Rozes



Gruss Bigfoot. :cool:


First a word of presentation :


Frank has produced some photorealistics addons which can be added to the base 2 m photorealistic

Italian project called ItalVFR - http://www.fsfile.com

Italvfr has the target to produce each of the italians regions in photorealistic scenery

on a 2 m resolution - base packages are divided region by region up to today -

trentino - freeware - is one of the italian region part of the project italvfr.


Frank has produced addons to improve the graphics up to today mostly for Italians Alps

mountains peaks - - tofane it is just one of his addons available - which we are

gradually improving and uploading into flightsim and fsfile !



How do you install Frank addons's



The first thing to do - is to download the base packages - trentino is freeware

but fsfile offers other region at a very low prices - for those interested !

Even said so - if you like to use frank addons' just on their own - they will

work ! but your coverage will just limited to the addons itself !





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