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NL2000 Version 3 Update 2

Johan "Bigfoot"

Empfohlene Beiträge

Hallo NL2000 Fruenden.


Es gibt jetz eine neue update fur die NL2000 V3 Scenery von Holland.

Download hier: http://www.nl-2000.com/nuke/ oder beim Flightsim.com

Die Download ist 8MB gross.


Gruss Bigfoot. :cool:


FS-ACOF - FS2004 Scenery

FS2004 NL2000V3 Christmas Release 2007

The NL2000 Scenery design team releases a Christmas update for NL2000 version 3.0. The zipfile contains some improvements and additions:


EHKD duplicate runway lighting removed

EHLW duplicate runway 06-24 lighting removed

EHWO updated, amongst others the extended EMVO platform

EHEH updated, amongst others more realistic tarmac colours

The Hague: Central Station, Ministry VROM, Malie Tower (75m), "Witte Anna" apartment complex (75m)

Zoetermeer: Diogenes apartment complex, "Het Kompas" church complex, water tower (45m)

Rotterdam: several buildings like the Euromast, WPC, KPN ("Toren op Zuid" or the KPN Tower in the Southern Cay), and Wilhelminahof / tower (Justice Building)

Amsterdam: Crystaltower

Aalsmeer: water tower


The enclosed readme.txt contains details and installation instructions.


Flightsim.com info:


[ Download | View ]

Name: nl2v3xm.zip Size: 8,253,404 Date: 12-25-2007

FS2004 NL2000V3 Christmas Release 2007. The second update for NL2000 v3 scenery of The Netherlands. Includes fixes to duplicate runway lights at EHKD and EHLW, updates to EHWO, EHEH, additional 3D objects for Rotterdam, Amsterdam, The Hague, Zoetermeer area. Does not need or include SP1, download and install it separately. Requires NL2000V3 and FS2004 to be installed. By NL2000 Scenery Design Team.

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Hallo NL2000 Freunden


Hier noch ein link mit extra info's und Bilder uber die patch: http://www.flightsim.com/cgi/kds?$=main/feature/nl2000.htm


Feature: Holiday Flights About NL-2000

The NL2000 v3 scenery is possibly the most ambitious add-on project every made for Flight Simulator. The NL2000 team has just come out with a Christmas 2007 expansion and in this feature article Jeroen Arends takes you on a tour of the scenery.


Gruss Bigfoot. :cool:

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