Floopy Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2007 Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2007 Hallo ich suche ein Merge für Project Airbus, bei AVSIM gabs nichts... vllt gibs auch keints :confused: ich weiß es nicht, vllt ihr:( Ein anderes Problem ist, der Sound in meinem Cockpit geht nach paar Sekunden aus. Das gleiche Sound Set hab ich für meinen IFDG Airbus auch benutzt, und dort bleibt der Cockpit sound...vllt wisst ihr mehr drüber:( Zitieren
Timm Rehberg Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2007 Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2007 Hi, ich bin mir soooooooo sicher dass du z.B. als erste Anlaufstelle im Project-Airbus Forum (http://www.pairbus.com/) etwas dazu finden wirst. Wenn nicht dort, dann suche mal bei Google nach "Project Airbus PSS Merge" Grüße!:005: Zitieren
D-EBIP Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2007 Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2007 Moin Christian, disch kann jeholfen werde: http://www.pairbus.com/board/viewtopic.php?p=1109#p1109 Viel Spaß mit dem Bus! :) Zitieren
Floopy Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2007 Autor Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2007 ^^ *grins* danke jungs;) Zitieren
Patrick C. Geschrieben 5. Januar 2008 Geschrieben 5. Januar 2008 Hallo zusammen Vielleicht könnt Ihr mir auch weiterhelfen ich krieg das Merge einfach nicht mehr richtig hin, seit ich den FS neu installiert habe. Das Flugverhalten stimmt meiner Meinung überhaupt nicht und im Anflug ist es extrem schwierig an Geschwindigkeit zu verlieren. Ich habe zuerst den PA ModelOrdner in den PSSordner gepakt und alles in von der PSS Aircraft.cfg übernommen ausser lights, flaps und contact Points. Wie habt Ihr den PA gemergt und welche Air Datei verwendet Ihr? Gruss Patrick Zitieren
CitationCJ Geschrieben 5. Januar 2008 Geschrieben 5. Januar 2008 Henning hat ja oben einen Link gepostet: http://www.pairbus.com/board/viewtopic.php?p=1109#p1109 Einfach das machen, was Demetris dort schreibt ( habe den Vogel seit dem Merge noch nicht geflogen ). Zitieren
Patrick C. Geschrieben 18. Januar 2008 Geschrieben 18. Januar 2008 Henning hat ja oben einen Link gepostet: http://www.pairbus.com/board/viewtopic.php?p=1109#p1109 Einfach das machen, was Demetris dort schreibt ( habe den Vogel seit dem Merge noch nicht geflogen ). Das hat mir leider nicht weitergeholfen. Ich habe einfach extrem schlechte Flugeigenschaften. Teilweise kriege ich den Bus fast nicht hoch, im Anflug flieg er immer in einem Anstellwinkel von +10°, das sind alles "Probleme", welche ich früher nicht hatte. Die air.Datei habe ich von PSS320C. Ich hänge hier mal meine Aircraft.cfg an, findet evtl. jemand einen Fehler? Besten Dank und Gruss Patrick [fltsim.0] title=PSS A320 CFM Edelweiss ui_variation=PSS A320 CFM Edelweiss sim=A320c ui_type=A320c sound=CFM model=CFM texture=edelwi atc_airline=World panel= checklists= atc_id=AB320 atc_flight_number=PS320 atc_heavy=0 ui_manufacturer=Airbus visual_damage=1 description=Designed to compete with the Boeing 737 and McDonnell Douglas MD-80, The A319/320/321 were Airbus' first entry in the narrow-body market. Although the aircraft borrows some features from the larger A300 and A310, it is essentially a new design equipped with many state-of-the-art engineering innovations. For example, The A319/320/321 were the first commercial jetliners with a full fly-by-wire control system. Other advanced features include widespread use of composite materials to reduce weight, sophisticated avionics including a gust-alleviation system allowing a smoother ride, advanced cockpit warning systems, and high-technology engines to reduce noise and fuel consumption. COPYRIGHT 2002 PHOENIX SIMULATION SOFTWARE [fltsim.1] title=PSS A320 Swiss International Airlines ui_variation=PSS A320 Swiss sim=A320c ui_type=A320-211 sound=cfm model=pa texture=lx atc_airline=Swiss panel= checklists= atc_id=HB-IJS atc_flight_number=1839 atc_heavy=0 ui_manufacturer=Airbus visual_damage=1 description=Designed to compete with the Boeing 737 and McDonnell Douglas MD-80, The A319/320/321 were Airbus' first entry in the narrow-body market. Although the aircraft borrows some features from the larger A300 and A310, it is essentially a new design equipped with many state-of-the-art engineering innovations. For example, The A319/320/321 were the first commercial jetliners with a full fly-by-wire control system. Other advanced features include widespread use of composite materials to reduce weight, sophisticated avionics including a gust-alleviation system allowing a smoother ride, advanced cockpit warning systems, and high-technology engines to reduce noise and fuel consumption. COPYRIGHT 2002 PHOENIX SIMULATION SOFTWARE [fltsim.2] title=PSS A320 Swiss EM08 International Airlines ui_variation=PSS A320 Swiss EM2008 sim=A320c ui_type=A320-211 sound=cfm model=pa texture=lx08 atc_airline=Swiss panel= checklists= atc_id=HB-IJM atc_flight_number=1839 atc_heavy=0 ui_manufacturer=Airbus visual_damage=1 description=Designed to compete with the Boeing 737 and McDonnell Douglas MD-80, The A319/320/321 were Airbus' first entry in the narrow-body market. Although the aircraft borrows some features from the larger A300 and A310, it is essentially a new design equipped with many state-of-the-art engineering innovations. For example, The A319/320/321 were the first commercial jetliners with a full fly-by-wire control system. Other advanced features include widespread use of composite materials to reduce weight, sophisticated avionics including a gust-alleviation system allowing a smoother ride, advanced cockpit warning systems, and high-technology engines to reduce noise and fuel consumption. COPYRIGHT 2002 PHOENIX SIMULATION SOFTWARE [fltsim.3] title=PSS A320 Tunisair ui_variation=PSS A320 Tunisair sim=A320c ui_type=A320-211 sound=cfm model=pa texture=tunisair atc_airline=Tunair panel= checklists= atc_id=TS- atc_flight_number=1839 atc_heavy=0 ui_manufacturer=Airbus visual_damage=1 description=Designed to compete with the Boeing 737 and McDonnell Douglas MD-80, The A319/320/321 were Airbus' first entry in the narrow-body market. Although the aircraft borrows some features from the larger A300 and A310, it is essentially a new design equipped with many state-of-the-art engineering innovations. For example, The A319/320/321 were the first commercial jetliners with a full fly-by-wire control system. Other advanced features include widespread use of composite materials to reduce weight, sophisticated avionics including a gust-alleviation system allowing a smoother ride, advanced cockpit warning systems, and high-technology engines to reduce noise and fuel consumption. COPYRIGHT 2002 PHOENIX SIMULATION SOFTWARE [exits] number_of_exits=2 exit_rate.0=0.25 exit_rate.1=0.25 [Views] eyepoint=50.852, -1.7487, 4.229 [lights] Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing light.4=3, -13.90, -55.25, 2.45, pss_navred.fx , light.5=3, -13.90, 55.25, 2.45, pss_navgre.fx , light.6=3, -69.70, 0.00, 4.70 , pss_navwhi.fx , light.7=2, -69.70, 0.00, 4.70, PSS_strobe_Airbus , light.8=2, -13.95, -55.25, 2.45, PSS_strobe_Airbus , light.9=1, 6.8, 0.00, -5.80, pss_beacon , light.10=1, 3.83, 0.00, 8.47, pss_beacon , light.11=4, 44.41, 0.00, 3.50, PSS_vclight , light.12=2, -13.95, 55.25, 2.45, PSS_strobe_Airbus , [General] atc_type=AIRBUS atc_model=A320 performance=Dimensions: Wing span: 111 ft 3 in (33.91 m) \n Length: 123 ft 3 in (37.57 m) \n Height: 38 ft 9.50 in (11.80 m) \n Weights: \n Empty: 91,675 lb (41,583 kg) \n Max take-off: 169,765 lb (77,000 kg) \n Performance: Cruise speed: 608 mph (978.48 km/h) \n Max Operating altitude: 40,000 ft (12,192 m) \n Maximum range: 3,222 miles (5,185 km) \n Powerplants: Two IAE V2525-A5 rated at 25,000 lb (111.2 kN) or Two CFM International CFM56-5B4 rated at 26,500 lb (117.9 kN). Hi-bypass Turbofans [pitot_static] vertical_speed_time_constant=99 [GROUND_REACTION] MAX_STEERING_ANGLE=75 [GeneralEngineData] engine_type=1 Engine.0=3.333333,-17.500000,-2.500000 Engine.1=3.333333,17.500000,-2.500000 fuel_flow_scalar=1.250000 min_throttle_limit=-0.499939 [EFFECTS] wake=fx_wake water=fx_spray dirt=fx_tchdrt concrete=fx_sparks touchdown=fx_tchdwn, 1 [direction_indicators] direction_indicator.0=3,0 [Radios] // Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope Audio.1=1 Com.1=1, 1 Com.2=1, 1 Nav.1=1, 1, 1 Nav.2=1, 1, 0 Adf.1=1 Transponder.1=1 Marker.1=1 [Flaps.0] type=1 span-outboard=0.85 extending-time=21.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=233.000 blowout-speed=250.000 flaps-position.0=0.000, flaps-position.1=7.000, //0 in real life flaps-position.2=14.000, //10 flaps-position.3=21.000, //14 flaps-position.4=28.000, //21 flaps-position.5=35.000, //25 lift_scalar=0.0 drag_scalar=0.0 [flaps.1] type=2 // slats span-outboard=0.95 // 0.0 .. 1.0 extending-time=9 // seconds flaps-position.0=0 flaps-position.1=18, flaps-position.2=18, flaps-position.3=22, flaps-position.4=22, flaps-position.5=27, blowout-speed=260 // KIAS lift_scalar=0.35 drag_scalar=0.25 pitch_scalar=0.3 system_type=1 [flaps.2] //ailerons type=2 span-outboard=0.85 extending-time=11.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=233.000 blowout-speed=250.000 flaps-position.0=0.000, flaps-position.1=0.000, flaps-position.2=5.000, flaps-position.3=5.000, flaps-position.4=5.000, flaps-position.5=5.000, lift_scalar=0.25 drag_scalar=0.30 [flaps.3] //actual flaps type=1 span-outboard=0.85 extending-time=21.000 system_type=1 damaging-speed=233.000 blowout-speed=250.000 flaps-position.0=0.000, flaps-position.1=0.000, flaps-position.2=10.000, flaps-position.3=15.000, flaps-position.4=20.000, flaps-position.5=35.000, lift_scalar=0.80 //1.178 drag_scalar=1.01 [WEIGHT_AND_BALANCE] reference_datum_position=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 max_number_of_stations=50 station_load.0 = 0450, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 //Weight Crew (lbs) LEAVE station_load.1 = 3000, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 //Weight Galleys (lbs) LEAVE station_load.2 = 5670, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 //Weight Baggage (lbs) Baggage station_load.3 = 9280, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 //Weight Cargo (lbs) Cargo station_load.4 = 3420, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 //Weight Psgr Sect OA (lbs) First station_load.5 = 18360, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 //Weight Psgr Sect OB (lbs) Coach empty_weight= 90400 empty_weight_roll_MOI=3900000.000000 empty_weight_pitch_MOI=3000000.000000 empty_weight_yaw_MOI=3000000.000000 empty_weight_coupled_MOI=250.000000 empty_weight_CG_position=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 max_gross_weight=215775.000000 ************************************************* [fuel] Center1=-2.000000,0.000000,0.000000,2174.000000,0.000000 LeftMain=-3.000000,-19.000000,0.000000,2060.000000,0.000000 RightMain=-3.000000,19.000000,0.000000,2060.000000,0.000000 fuel_type=2.000000 number_of_tank_selectors=1 electric_pump=1 [airplane_geometry] wing_area=1317.000000 wing_span=111.166667 wing_root_chord=12.000000 wing_dihedral=6.289673 wing_incidence=1.499634 wing_twist=-0.812988 oswald_efficiency_factor=0.696989 //was 0.4 wing_winglets_flag=1 wing_sweep=0.000000 wing_pos_apex_lon=13.600000 wing_pos_apex_vert=0.000000 htail_area=328.000000 htail_span=40.000000 htail_pos_lon=-50.000000 htail_pos_vert=0.000000 htail_incidence=2.993774 htail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_area=249.000000 vtail_span=17.991665 vtail_sweep=0.000000 vtail_pos_lon=-50.000000 vtail_pos_vert=20.500000 elevator_area=70.500000 aileron_area=26.800000 rudder_area=56.200000 elevator_up_limit=30 //was 14 elevator_down_limit=30 aileron_up_limit=30.000070 aileron_down_limit=30.000070 rudder_limit=30.000070 elevator_trim_limit=30 //was 20 spoiler_limit=59.988681 spoilerons_available=1 aileron_to_spoileron_gain=3.000000 min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=9.969466 min_flaps_for_spoilerons=0.000000 [contact_points] static_pitch=-0.319722 static_cg_height=11.60811023622 point.0=1.0, 38.84,0.0,-11.9619,800,0.0,1.53379,68.0,1.0,1.4390,0.680000, 13.2,12.9,0.000000,252.000000,282.0 point.1=1.0,-3.660,-12.458,-12.22,1200,1.000000,1.680382,0.000000,0.72,1.5419948,0.81,14.000000,13.700000,2.000000,252.000000,282.000000 point.2=1.0,-3.660,12.458,-12.22,1200,2.000000,1.680382,0.000000,0.72,1.5419948,0.80,14.200000,13.300000,2.000000,252.000000,282.000000 point.3=2.0,-13.750000,-54.583333,-0.500000,750.924659,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,5.000000,0.000000,0.000000 point.4=2.0,-13.750000,54.583333,-0.500000,750.924659,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,6.0,0.0,0.0 point.5=2.0,-71.250000,0.0,0.750,750.924659,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,9.0,0.0,0.0 point.6=2.0,51.666667,0.0,-8.166667,750.924659,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,4.0,0.0,0.0 gear_system_type=0 [TurbineEngineData] fuel_flow_gain=0.002000 inlet_area=22.000000 rated_N2_rpm=29920.000000 static_thrust=25000.000000 afterburner_available=0 reverser_available=1 [Reference Speeds] flaps_up_stall_speed=190.000000 full_flaps_stall_speed=152.000000 cruise_speed=552.421072 max_indicated_speed=350.000000 max_mach=0.821240 [keyboard_response] elevator=150.000000,250.000000 aileron=150.000000,250.000000 rudder=150.000000,250.000000 [autopilot] autopilot_available=1 flight_director_available=1 default_vertical_speed=1800.000000 autothrottle_available=1 autothrottle_arming_required=1 autothrottle_takeoff_ga=1 autothrottle_max_rpm=90.000000 pitch_takeoff_ga=8.000000 max_pitch=10.000000 max_pitch_acceleration=1.000000 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=2.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=1.500000 max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=20000.000000 max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=28000.000000 max_bank=25.000000 max_bank_acceleration=1.800000 max_bank_velocity=3.000000 max_throttle_rate=0.100000 nav_proportional_control=9.000000 nav_integrator_control=0.250000 nav_derivative_control=0.000000 nav_integrator_boundary=2.500000 nav_derivative_boundary=0.000000 gs_proportional_control=9.520000 gs_integrator_control=0.260000 gs_derivative_control=0.000000 gs_integrator_boundary=0.700000 gs_derivative_boundary=0.000000 yaw_damper_gain=1.000000 [brakes] toe_brakes_scale=0.676592 parking_brake=1 [gear_warning_system] gear_warning_available=0 pct_throttle_limit=0.099976 flap_limit_power=25.496622 flap_limit_idle=5.042029 [hydraulic_system] electric_pumps=0 engine_map=1,1,0,0 normal_pressure=3000.000000 [stall_warning] type=1 [attitude_indicators] attitude_indicator.0=1 [turn_indicators] turn_indicator.0=1,0 [TailHook] tailhook_length=4 tailhook_position=-15.0, 0.0, -1.0 cable_force_adjust=0.9 Zitieren
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