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Laptopgrafikkarten und Treiber - ATI


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Hallo zusammen,


zunächst möchte ich auf meinen Problem-Thread hinweisen:


Vista Laptop Probleme


Das Problem lag eindeutig an den Grafikkartentreibern.

Zunächst habe ich die Treiber mit einem Treiber-Entferner (Download-Link: Driver-Cleaner 3.3 ) entfernt, und wollte die neuen ATI-Catalyst Treiber aufspielen. Dabei bin ich aber auf einige, sehr dubiose Probleme gestossen.


Zunächst als Quelle: Driver-Heaven Modtool


Laptop-Grafikkarten haben "Grundtreiber" die jedoch nicht über die Catalyst treiber upgedatet werden können - soweit ohne DH.


Dazu ein Auszug aus ihrer Erklärung:


ATI have for many years had their hands tied with laptop manufacturers (OEMS) who request that ATI do not offer support for their device in the Catalyst Driver. This may seem strange, however makers such as Dell may have implemented their own support system and they do not want their customers downloading "reference" drivers from ATI's home page.


Terry Makedon: AMD Manager for Software Product Management Graphics Product Group issued Driver Heaven with the following statement in April of 2007:


"AMD (formerly ATI) introduced the concept of Catalyst Mobility which is a generic driver that works decently for most laptops. The only way we are able to do this is through permission by a laptop manufacturer (OEM) to include their device in the Catalyst Mobility. We were the first company to provide graphics drivers for laptops to the general public, and we believe there is great value in this. At this point we only have permission from a few vendors and I personally wish more of them would let us. My suggestion is you contact your manufacturer and ask them to have your laptop included in Catalyst Mobility. As for Vista specifically we do not have permissions yet, but as soon as we do we look forward to releasing Vista drivers for laptops."


Mobility Modder, the evolution


Unfortunately if you have just spent a few thousand $/£ on a new laptop and you want to keep your graphics drivers updated this leaves you in a bit of a pickle and many people frequently are waiting for their OEM to furnish them with new drivers. Right now the only option is to keep emailing your OEM to request that they update their drivers on a regular basis. However, we all know in real life that this rarely makes a difference.




Die Laptophersteller (zum Beispiel meiner, Acer) haben ATI gefragt ob sie Karten für Laptops herstellen, dafür aber keinen Support anbieten sollen/dürfen. Das heißt, Treiber gibt es nur über die Betreiber-Firma


Nun gibt es allerdings die Lösung für uns Laptopgrafikarten-Geschädigte :) !


- Einfach die "MobilityDotNet4.zip" saugen.

- Auf ATI-Seite aktuelle "ATi-Catalyst"-Treiber saugen.

- Neue Treiber Installieren. Jedoch bei der zweiten Installation nachdem die Treiber extrahiert worden Abbrechen!

- Mobility Modder starten - ATI Ordner angeben (z.b. C:\ATI\SUPPORT\7-4_vista32_dd_ccc_enu_44985 )danach auf "Modify" klicken

- Ordner aufrufen (wieder: C:\ATI\SUPPORT\7-4_vista32_dd_ccc_enu_44985 ) und die "Setup.exe" starten.

Fehlermeldungen (z.b: "Driver is not WHQL certified") ignorieren.


- Installieren. Fertig. Jetzt sollte man auch mit einem Laptop das normale ATI Catalyst Control Center haben,

und auch die neuesten Treiber.


Ich hoffe ich konnte einigen Laptop und ATI-Nutzern helfen!

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