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Service Pack 1 fur NL2000 V3 Scenery

Johan "Bigfoot"

Empfohlene Beiträge

Hallo NL2000 Freunden


Es gibt jetz ein Service Pack fur die NL2000 V3 Scenery. :005:

Sehe diese link: http://www.nl-2000.com/nuke/


Service Pack 1 for NL-2000 Versie 3.0 October 23 2007


The NL2000 Scenery design team releases Service Pack 1 for NL2000 version 3. The small zipfile contains some important improvements that will enhance your flying experience:


Small changes to the Featurepanel.

Improved ADCADs, ILS for RWY 18R and corrections to taxi signs at Schiphol (EHAM).

Improved approach lights and AFCAD movements at Eelde (EHGG).

Improved navigation database, which cures the occurrences of Flight Simulator when using some flight plans.

Improved helipad AFCAD at Nijmegen.

Improved surface bitmaps at Zandvoort race track.


The enclosed readme.txt contains details and installation instructions.


The file is about 6Mb in size and can be downloaded from our site, avoiding the need to use a Bittorrent client to download it.


We wish you flightsimmers many hours of enjoyment!


Gruss Bigfoot :cool:

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