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Bald realistische Unterlastflüge mit FSX möglich!


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Good news für FS Helipiloten!


Laut einem Blog eines FSX Developpers soll es mit dem neuen Expansion Pack "Acceleration" (erscheint voraussichtlich Herbst 07) für den FSX endlich auch möglich sein realistische Unterlastflüge mit dem ebenfalls neuen EH-101 zu simulieren!:005:


Damit soll man nun Objekte mit einem Lastseil aufnehmen und wieder absetzen können. Natürlich soll auch das Schwingen simuliert werden. Am besten ihr liest selbst die sehr eindrücklichen Schilderungen aus dem Blog (englisch)


Zitat aus dem Blog:

"So here are some meat and potatoes for you regarding some of these missions. Alot of the missions are helicopter scenarios, many of which ustilize our new slingload or hydraulic hoist systems (or both). I can tell you it's a blast lifting loads with a cable, so the good news is that we have an awesome and realistic new system for you to play with. The bad news is that it's realistically difficult to pick-up, fly, and place objects. So those of you that are helicopter fans or have newly discovered the fun and challenge of flying helicopters will have some new challenges to explore. I interviewed a helicopter pilot that flew Blackhawks in combat and I picked his brain on flying with slingloads. Based on his information as well as other research I think our dynamcis are pretty good. It's very cool seeing the object hooked on the cable swing back and forth, react to airflow/airspeed and G's. If you go too fast, the load will start to oscillate and bad things happen after that. In real life the crew chief will "punch the load" before the crew is endangered. For us the cable will break as the cable load is exceeded. I've created a tutorial for using the slingload cable and hoist that will help you lean how to succeed with them, but I am assuming that you are already proficient at hovering and have completed the helicopter tutorials we shipped in FSX. I think you guys will really like what we've done here!"


Link zum vollständigen Blog:





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