Lukas Geschrieben 9. Juni 2001 Geschrieben 9. Juni 2001 Hi, in unserer Zeitung (Bremer Nachrichten) steht heute ein Artikel, der es in sich hat: Im Boeing-Werk Renton wurden bei Neubauten der Boeing 737 sabotierte Kabel im Rumpf gefunden. Die Kabel waren entweder angeschnitten oder ganz durchgetrennt. Es wird vermutet, dass jemand angesäuert sein könnte, weil Boeing einen Großteil seiner 737/757-Linie nach Wichita / Kansas verlegen will. Nun soll die FAA der ganzen Sache auf den Grund gehen. Weiß jemand näheres oder hat das jemand auch schon gehört? Wenn das wirklich Sabotage wär, wär das ja ein riesen Skandal für Boeing... ------------------ Gruß, Lukas My Website Zitieren
Flo Geschrieben 9. Juni 2001 Geschrieben 9. Juni 2001 SEATTLE (AP) - The FBI is looking into suspicious wire damage to as many as 10 737 jetliners at Boeing Co.'s final assembly building, FBI spokesman Ray Lauer confirmed Thursday. Boeing spokeswoman Sandy Angers said the company discovered seven incidents of wire damage that are ``not common in the normal course of manufacturing.'' That prompted the company to look back at several earlier incidents, which have now also been deemed suspicious. Angers declined to give details of the damage, citing an ongoing investigation. However, KIRO-TV in Seattle, which first reported the company investigation Wednesday night, cited unidentified sources as saying the wires were cut. Each aircraft showed one incident of damage, but the damage was found in different places in each plane, Angers said. The company notified the Federal Aviation Administration of the incidents earlier this week, the same day the FAA also was informed by an employee on the plant floor, FAA spokesman Allen Kenitzer said. Kenitzer said his office passed the complaint on to the FBI because tampering with an aircraft is a federal crime. If an employee is found to be responsible, Angers said, the company would take ``swift and immediate action.'' ``The overwhelming majority of our employees take great pride in the type of work that they do and in the high-quality product that they produce,'' Angers said. ``And if this damage proves to be intentional there are a lot of people that would be very, very hurt.'' Incidents in which employees are suspected of causing intentional damage to airplanes are rare, Kenitzer said. The last incident was reported in Seattle in 1990. Boeing and FAA officials said the damage was easily detected during functional testing, a phase of assembly in which employees check and double-check each airplane's systems. It would be highly unlikely that damage of this sort would go undetected until the plane was in service, Kenitzer said. ``It's not a safety threat but it does cause a little bit of disruption to the assembly as they replace or repair those wires,'' Angers said. The disruption has not caused the commercial airplane maker to miss any delivery of new aircraft, she said. Boeing has added security personnel to the assembly plant, Angers said. The twin-engine 737 is Boeing's most popular plane, with more than 3,900 delivered. The Renton assembly plant is one of Boeing's busiest, rolling out about 24 737s and two or three of the larger 757s a month. Including administrative workers, the final assembly building has about 1,800 employees, Angers said. (Quelle: AP, ----------------------------------- Einzelheiten über die "wire damage" sind leider nicht bekannt, doch aufgrund der Tatsache, dass diese nicht als sicherheitsrelevant bezeichnet werden kann man davon ausgehen, dass es keine wilden Schäden sind. Eventuell ein schlichter Produktionsfehler ohne böse Absicht? Zitieren
Markus Burkhard Geschrieben 9. Juni 2001 Geschrieben 9. Juni 2001 jaja der Blick, der schreibt doch immer einen Mist! Vorgestern oder so hat der doch tatsächlich behauptet, Swissair streiche den Nonstopflug nach Singapore und man könne dann nur noch via Bangkok dorthin fliegen... Das nächste mal bitte etwas korrekter, Blick! Gruss Markus ------------------ - Die grösste schweizer Website über Verkehrsflugzeuge Zitieren
ThomasF Geschrieben 9. Juni 2001 Geschrieben 9. Juni 2001 Jaja dieser Blick. Mal schauen was in der NZZ Luftfahrt-Sparte steht ------------------ MfG Thomas Fierz Zitieren
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