Druide Geschrieben 30. Mai 2007 Geschrieben 30. Mai 2007 hi all Endlich, nach fast unendlich langer Wartezeit ohne offizielle News hat Joel auf der SB HP folgendes gepostet: Moving Towards a Public Beta Release It has been a while since an update so here's the latest. First, many of you have noticed and pointed out that progress on FSX-compatibility has been less than swift and that updates have been few. The reason for that is that I simply have not had the time to commit to development in the last few months as I would like. The company I am helping start is still very much in startup mode. Both that and a rather busy home life all combine to take up most of my days. The shame in this, but perhaps also the good news, is that back when I released the last internal testing build in the October most of the core functionality was completed. There isn't really much left to do to get this going. I spent the recent long weekend on a couple of key problems. First, I fixed bug 607 which was causing planes to show up way off altitude when above transition altitude. Second, I finally cracked the problem of getting SquawkBox to run on two different machines, a very important feature for the more hardcore pilot. Where does development proceed from here? I have heard many of you loud and clear that you would rather have early access to a build that mostly works than have to wait longer for a build that has all the last bugs resolved. So I am committing to releasing a public beta and have VATSIM's buy-in for that approach. So as soon as I get a build that works well enough to be released widely, it will be in your hands. Then you can help squash the last bugs while you enjoy flying with SquawkBox and FSX. zusammengefasst: die Showstopper Bugs sind gefixt und es ist bald mit einem public beta release zu rechnen. cheers, Mike Zitieren
Druide Geschrieben 10. Juli 2007 Autor Geschrieben 10. Juli 2007 Nach der letzten News vor ca. 6 Wochen endlich ein neues Statement von Joel - zwar ist SB4 noch immer nicht ready, so wie ich Joels Worte verstehe hat sich sein Fokus jedoch von 'no time right now' auf 'top priority' geändert. Na wenn das mal nicht vielversprechend ist. http://squawkbox.ca/news/ cheers, Mike Zitieren
margeorg Geschrieben 11. Juli 2007 Geschrieben 11. Juli 2007 Yup, es sieht so aus als gäbe es in den nächsten Tagen verstärkt Arbeit für uns Betatester :) Zitieren
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