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Freeware : Karibik für FSX


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Fully detailled scenery VFR and IFR of the Virgin islands and the Leeward Islands in the Nord Central Caribbean That includes the following islands: Beef, Anegada, Gorda,Tortola,St Johns,St Thomas, St Croix.Anguilla, St Martin, Guadeloupe, St Barthelemy, Saba, St Eustatius, St Kitts, Nevis, Antigua and Montserrat 57 islands and Cays in totally are represented wit yours towns and installations.18 airports reconstructed and resized and upgraded with new facilities and noumerous cities to adapt them to the reliefs of the installed mesh terrain. By Toni Agramont


Zu finden bei http://www.fsplanet.com

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Könnte jemand mal Bilder reinstellen, das man sich einen Eindruck machen könnte? Danke!


Hallo Marco


Geh mal auf den AVSIM-Link von Jörg, dort findest du Screenshots.

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