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Aus pprune.org mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Autors:


On Thursday 13 March I was a passenger on Swiss flight LX333 from Zurich to London Heathrow.(dep 15.35)


During the descent toward London, the pilot had to make a sudden and very rapid ascent.


Once the aircraft had levelled off again, the pilot explained the move had been executed becasue he was unsure if another aircraft was still climbing or had levelled out. He reassured us all was ok -but said the move had been made as we would have been within 300m of each other.


As it was quite an unsettling experience (at least for the group of passengers who I was sat with!), we would like to find out more on what actually took place on Thursday.


Can anyone advise me if a report is likely to be filed on the incident - and if so, are these available for public viewing?


Or...as I expect....the manouver that took place was 'routine' due to the conditions/situation at the time - and therefore no 'report' would be necessary.


Gruss Max


Hallo Max,


irgendetwas stimmt bei deinem Bericht nicht.

LX333 fliegt LHR-ZRH, Abflug um 13:50 Ortszeit.

Warscheinlich meinst du LX324, ZRH-LHR Abflug um 15:35.


Gruss Christian




Check the pprune-Thread. There is all info you need...





Check the pprune-Thread. There is all info you need...


Edit: habe das Post von Tobi falsch interpretiert *kommtnichtwiedervor*





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