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Ein kleiner Luftfahrt Test

Daniel Rau

Empfohlene Beiträge

Salü zusammen,


Wollte hier mal so ein Thread aufmachen für Virtuele Luftfahrt Tests. Könnt ja eure Lösung auch preisgeben.

Da sieht man dann mal wie sein Luftfahrt Allgemein Wissen aussieht. Könnet gerne auch hier noch weitere Test bringen.


Viel Spaß


1.) When flying a commercial aircraft, your ASI (Air Speed Indicator) will usually be set to show


a)TAS (True Air Speed)

b) GS (Ground Speed)

c) IAS (Indicated Air Speed)


2.)The usual sequence of ATC units is GND - TWR- DEP - ---.


a) FSS


c) DEL


3.) The turbulent air created by a departing aircraft is called:


a) Induced Turbulence

b) Air Turbulence

c) Wake Turbulence


4.)You're flying with FS, but need to switch to another application for a while. How can you prevent FS from pausing automatically when doing so?


a) In the Options menu, choose Settings / General / select Pause on task switch

b)You don't need to do anything. FS will not pause when switching to other applications

c) Open FSUIPC from the Modules menu and tick the relevant option


5.) The main difference between and ILS-DME procedure and and VOR-DME procedure is


a) A VOR-DME procedure has no vertical guidance

b) An ILS-DME procedure also has distance information

c) An ILS-DME procedure has no vertical guidance


6.) What does ETOPS stand for?


a) Extended Range Twin-engine Aicraft Operations

b) Extended Time Over Polar Surface

c) Engines Turning Or Passengers Swimming


7.)Time is important in flight simulation. One recognised standard is GMT, which stands for


a)Greater Manchester Time

b)Greenwich Mean Time

c)Gross Manoeuvre Time


8.) A normal taxi speed is approximately

a)15 knots

b)35 knots

c)5 knots


9.) The ILS is an essential component in commercial flight navigation. ILS stands for?


a) Identifying Landmark Skills

b) Instrument Landing System

c) Instant Location Satellite


10.) In a London - Manchester flight, the cruise level will be approximately


a) FL350

b) FL410

c) FL190


11.) During the climb, which of these surfaces is crossed first?


a) Transition Level

b) Transition Altitude

c) Sea Level


12.)The correct way to plan navigation of a commercial aircraft is


a) By using purpose-designed charts.

b) By using GPS

c) By using stars and constellations.


13.)What should you do when passing the transition altitude?


a) Nothing in particular

b) Set the altimeter pressure to 1013 hPa or 29.92 inHg

c) Set the altimeter pressure to the local airfield QNH value


14.)Unless changed by ATC, a general speed limit applies to all aircraft flying below 10.000 feet, expressed as KIAS (Knots, Indicated Air Speed). This speed limit is


a) 200 KIAS

b) 300 KIAS

c) 250 KIAS


15.)During normal operations, a pilot will choose to land on a runway which allows the aircraft


a) a tailwind

b) a crosswind

c) a headwind


16.) A rough rule to calculate your top-of-descent point is


a) Multiply your flight level by 3 and divide by 10 to get the distance in NM from the airport at which you should start descending. In other words, at FL350, start your descent 105NM away from the field


b) Calculate the approximate square root of your Flight Level and multiply by 5 to get the distance from the airport at which you should start descending. For example, at FL320, start your descent 54NM away from the field.


c) Divide your Flight Level by 5 to get the distance in NM from the airport at which you should start descending. For example at FL360, start your descent 72NM away from the field.


17.) The closer the dew point and the outside temperature,


a) the lower the chance of windshear

b) the higher the chance of thunderstorms

c) the higher the chance of precipations or fog

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8.) A normal taxi speed is approximately

a)15 knots

b)35 knots

c)5 knots


United Airlines c)

Southwest Airlines b)

Everybody else a)







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