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Netjets Europe bietet vorfinanziertes Ab-Initio-Programm

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Dieser Hinweis geht an alle Aspiranten, die noch keinen CPL/IFR/ATPL haben, aber trotzdem einsteigen wollen. Wie mir zugetragen wurde wird im FI am 5.2.07 eine Ab-Initio-Ausbildung der grössten Fractional Ownership Firma Europas bekanntgegeben. Dieses Jahr im Mai sollen 32 Pilotenanwärter in vier Kursen zu je 8 Kandidaten in Laufe von 17 Monaten ausgebildet werden, um dann als First Officer von dieser Firma übernommen zu werden, die dann die weiteren Type-Ratings und weitere 6 Monate der Ausbildung auf der Linie übernimmt. Die Kosten werden dabei zum grössten Teil vom künftigen Arbeitgeber übernommen und werden durch Lohnabzug über ein paar Jahre zurückgeholt.


Bevor man teilnehmen kann muss man allerdings ein zweitägiges Testprogramm durchlaufen, welches man zunächst selber bezahlt. Ist man dort erfolgreich folgt eine weitere Teststufe, die dann aber schon vom künftigen Arbeitgeber bezahlt wird, das Risiko hält sich also in Grenzen.


Sobald ich weitere Infos habe werde ich diese hier bekanntgeben. Vielleicht wäre das ja was für den einen oder anderen für euch, der einen spannenden Job der "langweiligeren" Airline vorziehen würde.


PS: Thema umbenannt...


Hallo Andreas.


Falls es sich dabei um Netjets handelt, fände ich dies einen guten Schritt (der Airline). Ich stelle in der letzten Zeit fest (aufgrund der Stellenanzeigen), dass NJE (wie auch andere Carrier) sich wohl schwer tut die nötigen Piloten zu kriegen.


Wäre eine gute Sache!


Gruss aus Tripoli - TIP



Hoi Beat!


Wer weiss :) Aber im Moment stöhnen ja alle Firmen über einen Mangel an qualifizierten Kandidaten. Selbst Lufthansa findet nicht genügend Leute - einer meiner besten Freunde (frozen ATPL, keine Stunden) hat es vor ein paar Wochen zur Cityline geschafft und fängt die Tage mit dem Rating an.


Hallo Andreas,


ich ahne dass ich ganz in der Naehe dieser Firma wohne... ;-) War da kuerzlich mal zu nem Assessment Center wgene Operationsjob... Weisst du was bezgl. des Hoechstalters fuer den Einstieg?


Danke und Gruss! Frank


Ach was, ich habe vorhin Chris Randle direkt angeschrieben, aber der ist bis nächste Woche nicht erreichbar. Der nächste Schritt wäre dann der gewesen, den Du gegangen bist :)


Na denn, ein weiteres Kapitel aus dem Hause "It's like ssssssssiiiiiiiiiisssss!". Ich habe halt Chris direkt angesprochen weil er den Text selbst verfasst hat ;) Oder doch nicht?


Zum Glück haben wir noch nicht gesagt um welche Firma es sich wirklich handelt, die da ein Cadet-Programm auflegen will :D

Die Presseabteilung möchte, dass wir bis zum 6ten Februar warten, hier die Informationen zu veröffentlichen

Also gut, wir wissen alle von nichts :D unbekannte Airline aus einem fernen unbekannten Land will Piloten rekrutieren. :D


Jupp, und er hat mir gerade auch geantwortet: more infos by Tuesday.

Schneider Björn

Sali zäme


Merci für die News. Was verdient den ein Neuling bei NJE? Würde mich unheimlich interessieren.


Schöne u Gruess:







Was verdient den ein Neuling bei NJE?


im Leben nie so viel wie Du:p




Johannes Müller
schau doch mal bei http://www.netjets-europe.com vorbei, dort findest Du die aktuellen Gehälter.

Du meinst sicher http://www.netjetseurope.com, oder? Die von dir gelinkte Seite ist eine reine Werbe-Website :D



Johannes, nur neugierig


Hoppla, wo kam denn der Bindestrich her, danke für die Korrektur!!!


Genau, hier der Text:








What is the purpose of the joint OAT/NetJets Europe Cadet Programme?


NetJets Europe is the leading private jet operator in Europe and conducts operations around the world. They are undergoing a programme of expansion and have identified a requirement to recruit a number of highly motivated, suitably qualified young men and women of European Union or Swiss citizenship to join them as First Officers. Those initially selected will enter training at Oxford Aviation Training on an integrated APP First Officer (APP FO) ATPL training course commencing in either May, June or August 2007 and should enter the airline as a First Officer under training from late 2008. Further courses are planned for later in the year.




What can you tell me about Oxford Aviation Training?


OAT is one of the largest and best known Flight Training Schools in the world. Since 1964, it has trained more than 16,000 pilots for many of the world’s major airlines. At its two Airline Training Centres, in Oxford, England and Phoenix, Arizona, OAT provides state-of-the-art facilities, highly-experienced instructors and unsurpassed training.




What can you tell me about NetJets Europe?


NetJets Europe operates business jets on a fractional ownership basis. NetJets has over 1,250 owners and cardholders who currently share 114 jets with an average age of 2.5 years. NetJets Europe has grown over the last 10 years since inception to become the ninth largest airline in Europe in terms of fleet size. The company is more than 6 times the size of the next largest business jet operator in Europe.


NetJets Europe currently operates the following aircraft types:


* Cessna Citation Bravo

* Hawker 400XP

* Cessna Citation Excel/XLS

* Hawker 800XP/XPC

* Falcon 2000, 2000EX, 900, 900EX

* Gulfstream GIV-SP, V, 550


NetJets Europe will take delivery of 22 new aircraft in 2007 and expects continued growth in the years ahead.


NetJets Europe recently announced a $1.1 billion order for 24 Falcon 7X jets for delivery commencing 2008. The order was the largest business jet order in European history.


NetJets Europe currently employs 650 pilots from 21 different countries.


In 2006, NetJets Europe operated to 850 airports in 125 countries, including 580 in Europe, with a mix of short, medium and long haul flying. The company connected approximately 10,000 city pairs while conducting over 62,000 flights.


The company’s state of the art operations centre in Lisbon organises more than 180 flights a day to airports around the world and is staffed by over 400 dedicated individuals.


NetJets Europe is an innovative private aviation company offering the highest standards of safety and customer service to their owners. This is demonstrated by the fact that NetJets Europe is the only private jet operator to hold the IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit) certificate from the International Air Transport Association.


Visit the website: http://www.netjetseurope.com




What terms and conditions does NetJets Europe offer their pilots?


NetJets Europe offers one of the best work/life balance crew packages in the industry.


























First Officer













* Higher levels of compensation are paid to employees of longer tenure based on length of service.

* Optional days are voluntary and 6 additional working days are available per crewmember in 2007.

* Full salary from day one – no reduced training salary.

* Per diems extra at €70 per day.




NetJets Europe operates a 6 on /5 off roster pattern. For the ultra long haul fleet (GV/G550/F7X) the crew members operate a combination of 7/6 and 6/5. Working days are capped at 50 per calendar quarter. Crew members receive 22 days vacation per year with a guarantee of 2 or 3 wrap around days before and after vacation (days free of duty not deducted from vacation allowance).




Enjoy the choice of living near any of 42 approved gateway cities across Europe.




All NetJets Europe crew members are provided with a permanent contract.


BUPA, international private medical insurance for you and your family


Pension plan


Life insurance and disability insurance




What is the APP FO Course?


OAT created the very first ab-initio integrated airline pilot training programme in 1964. The APP FO course is an entirely new version of this training and was launched in 2003, with the first course graduating in mid-2004. It was designed from the outset to provide airline focussed training for selected individuals able to demonstrate the skills, aptitude and personal qualities needed to operate as a First Officer in the highly demanding operating environment of a modern commercial jet. The APP FO is now widely accepted by airlines as representing the benchmark for modern, integrated ab-initio training courses. The OAT/NetJets Europe cadet programme provides the same high quality airline focused training that is the established hallmark of the APP FO course, and adds to it certain key features, notably:


* A conditional offer of employment as a pilot by NetJets Europe

* A bespoke bank loan from HSBC

* Partial refund of your APP FO training and associated costs through employment with NetJets Europe




Will those selected for the OAT/NetJets Europe Cadet Programme complete the standard APP FO course?


NetJets Europe selected students will complete the standard course save that certain key elements will be focused on the airline’s own procedures and techniques. NetJets Europe cadets will attend an additional two week course prior to graduation on aerobatics/unusual attitudes and VFR airfield training.




How does it work?


Prior to commencement of training, students who pass a joint OAT/NetJets selection process will be offered conditional employment by NetJets Europe subject to their achieving and maintaining satisfactory standards as they progress through their OAT training.




What are the financial benefits?


In addition to the security of employment with NetJets Europe, successful OAT/NetJets candidates will benefit from a special cadet entry First Officer salary programme. In addition to a cadet entry salary of €36,500 per annum, NetJets Europe will also pay those selected for the cadet programme a further €20,000 pa towards repayment of their training loan until such time that the training loan has been repaid (€56,500 in total for your first year of employment). It is anticipated the loan will be paid off within 5-6 years of employment with NetJets Europe, at which time the cadet entry First Officer switches to the First Officer salary scale with accrued company seniority from date of joining the airline.


For cadet entry First Officers resident in the UK on entry into the airline, and during the repayment period, we have been advised by the Inland Revenue that the repayment may be from gross salary i.e. before tax. For cadets resident outside of the UK during the repayment period the deductions will be made from net salary i.e. after tax.


NetJets Europe also currently provides type training for their new pilots at company expense. Details of these benefits will be fully explained to those candidates who successfully reach Stage 2 of the selection process.




How much will the course cost?


Under the cadet training programme OAT training will cost £61,800 plus £4,000 for the CAA test fees (2007 figures). Included in the price are 20 weeks room only accommodation in Phoenix plus the two weeks accommodation during the additional aerobatic/unusual attitude advance handling and VFR training courses. This will mean that you will need to cover any other expenses, which are effectively limited to approximately 43 weeks Oxford accommodation and food, (estimated cost of £9,000) given that all other costs are already encompassed within the course fee. The total estimated cost is approximately £75,000.


OAT offers a bespoke HSBC loan programme for all APP FO students. Based on this programme, OAT/NetJets Europe cadets will qualify for a loan of up to £60,000, subject to meeting agreed HSBC/NetJets requirements. The loan will be paid off through salary deductions over a period of 5 to 6 years.


Successful candidates will be required to deposit £9,000 into a HSBC deposit account prior to commencement of the course, which will be refunded to their loan account, plus interest, once they have successfully completed their multi-engine commercial flight test (approximately 50 weeks into the course).


Full details of the special loan arrangements associated with the programme will be provided to all candidates reaching Stage 2 of Selection.




Will I be required to occupy OAT accommodation during the course?


Yes, NetJets Europe selected cadets will be required to occupy OAT accommodation for the full course.




I have already passed the APP FO Skills Assessment and applied for the standard HSBC Professional Studies Loan. Should I continue my application?


You should continue your existing loan application concurrently with the NetJets selection process, which will ensure your course commencement is not delayed unnecessarily if you are not chosen by NetJets Europe.




Will the OAT ‘Skills Protection Plan (SPP) guarantee apply to the OAT/NetJets Europe Cadet Programme?


OAT will apply full APP FO Skills Protection Plan guarantees to NetJets’ courses, covering financial risk up to the multi-engine commercial flight test (approximately at the 50 week point).




Must I already possess a JAR-FCL Class 1 Medical to apply?


No, but you must be able to obtain one at least two months before the course commencement date (in the case of the course commencing 28th May 2007, the medical certificate must be obtained by the 28th March 2007). You may book an appointment with any JAR approved medical examiner in your country of residence but you will need to convert it to a UK CAA Class1, for which there is a small administrative charge, prior to course commencement. You would need to arrange a medical shortly after any offer made by NetJets Europe. You may contact the CAA Medical Department on +44 1293-573700 or 577171 to book a UK appointment. You will also find instructions for converting a non-UK medical at http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?categoryid=49&pagetype=90&pageid=2576




What are the requirements to be considered for the OAT/NetJets Europe cadet programme?


We are looking for a standard of education matching university entrance in your country of residence, for example:


* UK Advanced Certificate standard (A-level), HND or BTech in any two subjects,

* Baccalaureate,

* International Baccalaureate,

* Swiss Maturite,

* Dutch HAVO (Hoger Algemeen Voorgezet Onderwijs), or

* German:

+ Die allgemeine Hochschulreife (das Abitur, die Matura)

+ Die fachgebundene Hochschulreife (das fachgebundene Abitur)

+ Die Fachhochschulreife

* Portugal ,12º ano,

* Or equivalent in your country of residence.


Additionally you must have a qualification in Mathematics and a Science subject


Fluency in the English language is essential.


A University degree is an advantage.




Why do the educational criteria include Mathematics and a Science subject and a fluency in the English language?


Maths and Sciences are the two subjects most relevant to pilot training and English is the international aeronautical language and the language in which you will be taught. The OAT’s experience is that a qualification in these subjects is a good indicator that an applicant is likely to perform well on the course.


If I do not meet the educational criteria for this cadet programme, does this mean I should not consider entering professional flight training as a self-sponsored student?


No. A great number of students with lower educational qualifications have successfully completed an ATPL training course. If you are in any doubt as to your academic background, the best indicator of whether or not you could succeed as a self-sponsored student would be to attend a skills and aptitude assessment at the Flight Training Organisation (FTO) of your choice. If you pass, this means the FTO thinks you would be likely to succeed.




Is previous flight training experience or a PPL required?


No. It can sometimes be a useful indicator of an applicant’s interest in flying, although we do understand that many applicants may not have had the means to take flying lessons.




I am enrolled in a cadet programme with another FTO but am interested in applying for this cadet programme in case it is a better deal financially. Am I eligible to apply?


No. Oxford Aviation Training works very hard to maintain good relationships with all airlines whether or not they have currently or recently hired our graduates. We will not consider applications from airline cadets at other FTOs.




How do I apply?


The first step in the selection process is to see if you match the profile above but please ensure you meet the educational requirements. If you believe you fit the profile, then you need to complete and submit the on-line application form.


Potential applicants who meet the published criteria and who have successfully completed OAT Skills Assessment since 1 December 2006 and have not taken up a confirmed course place are eligible to apply for this programme. They will not have to undertake assessment again or pay any additional fee, but they must complete the on-line application within the published timescale.


OAT students already undertaking training courses are not eligible to apply for this course.


Please note that applications to be considered for the cadet programme are only possible through the OAT web site. You cannot apply direct to NetJets Europe; neither can you use mail or fax.




What happens after I submit my application?


You will automatically receive a confirmation that your application has been successfully received. You will subsequently receive a separate e-mail providing further guidance on ‘what happens next?’. The following, 3-Stage process will apply:


* Stage 1 - OAT assessors will review all applications based upon the facts you have provided and the views you have expressed in response to the essay questions.

* Stage 2 – Unless you have previously completed the APP FO Skills Assessment (as detailed above) successful applicants who pass Stage 1 screening will be invited to attend the next stage of OAT/NetJets Europe Skills Assessment, which will take place at Oxford Airport. All candidates will complete the computer-based testing process used for all APP FO applicants. Those reaching the standards required will be invited to spend a second day at Oxford, during which they will go on to complete team exercises and interviews with OAT assessors.

* Stage 3 - The final step in the selection process will be an interview with the NetJets Europe assessment team.




What criteria will be used to determine who is accepted to Stage 2 of the selection process?


A team of assessors will review all applications to ensure the applicant meets the published criteria. The next step will then be to review your answers to the essay questions, and from this to select those we judge should go through to Stage 2. It will be clear from this that the quality of your answers to the essay questions are important and we suggest to take due time and care in framing your responses to these questions. We also recommend you save a copy of your answers before pasting them into the online application in case you lose your Internet connection before you complete and submit the application.




The guidance for this cadet programme indicates that Stage 2 of the selection is a two-day process. If I am not selected to attend Day 2, would this indicate that I should give up my aspirations to become an airline pilot?


No. Because the competition is likely to be tough, it is probable that a number of applicants of good quality, and who will therefore be quite capable of succeeding in ATPL training, may still not reach the advanced stages of OAT/NetJets Europe selection.




How will I be advised of my progress?


On completion of each stage of the selection process, OAT will advise all applicants by post or email whether they have been successful or unsuccessful. The former group will then be advised of arrangements for the next stage. All applicants who reach Stage 2 should be prepared to spend a maximum of 2 days at Oxford Airport.




What are my chances of success?


At this stage, it is too early to say. Obviously, both NetJets Europe and OAT are looking for high quality, well motivated individuals. The number of places available is limited, so inevitably not all of those who meet the selection requirements will become a beneficiary of the programme, but that should not stop you applying.




When will training start?


Candidates selected for the cadet programme must be available to start training at Oxford either on the first course planned for 28th May 2007, or on one of the next two courses planned for June and August 2007 respectively.




Will my training progress be monitored?


During all stages of training, progress will be monitored by both NetJets Europe and OAT. Airline support could be withdrawn in the event that such progress is judged unsatisfactory.




What is the application deadline?


Though you may view the application form immediately, you will not be able to complete and submit the online application form until after 12.00pm Tuesday 6th February 2007. Your application must be transmitted to us no later than the 18th February 2007.




How much will it cost me to apply?


OAT will charge a standard Skills Assessment Fee of £195 to those candidates who reach Stage 2 or above.


NetJets Europe will fund the final stage of selection with their assessors.




What do I do if I have any further queries?


Once you have thoroughly read the above there are several ways to obtain additional information about the programme as follows:


* Browse the OAT web site for additional information about the APP First Officer Course.

* Order the OAT 2007 Skills Directory and thoroughly familiarize yourself with the relevant sections (You will be asked about the course structure at interview).

* Post questions or read those posted by others in the NetJets Europe section of the @sk Oxford Forum (This is the preferred method for questions as others gain the benefit of reading your queries and OAT’s responses).


If you still have unanswered questions, call an OAT Training Advisor on 01865-840352


Dachte ichs mir doch!


Schon letzte Woche wurde hier davon gesprochen, aber ich war mir noch nicht ganz sicher, obs hier um das Gleiche geht.

Jetzt duerfte der Fall wohl klar sein. Viel Glueck an alle Bewerber, vielleicht sieht man sich demnaechst mal :005:




Betreffend die Passage "Additionally you must have a qualification in Mathematics and a Science subject":


Man sucht also nach Kandidaten, die eine technische Ausbildung absolviert haben (z.B. Fachhochschule mit naturwissenschaftlichem Background oder im Bereich Computer-/Software- od. Digitaltechnik? Oder fallen darunter auch Leistungskurse am Gymnasium?


Ein Höchstalter habe ich nach mehrmaligem Durchlesen nicht entdecken können. Ich schätze mal, 28 Lenze dürften die Grenze darstellen...


Prinzipiell ein sehr gutes Angebot für junge und ambitionierte Menschen, die den Weg ins Cockpit anstreben.


Viel Erfolg und auch Glück!!!







Ich habe gehört, dass wenn man bei Netjets angestellt ist, in Portugal 25% Steuern bezahlen muss. Stimmt das?


Wie sieht es mit den Sozialleistungen allgemein aus (AHV,PK etc), sind diese bezahlt oder muss man sich versichern?





Hallo Roger,


schau Dir mal diesen Link an, da werden Dir wohl die Fragen beantwortet, meine Zeit ist gerade etwas knapp bemessen.


Link zu pilots.de


Ich habe mich nach 17 Jahren Bueroarbeit dazu entschlossen Berufspilot zu werden. Ich habe viel Geld einsetzen muessen (Selbst wenn die Ausbildung hier in den USA deutlich preiswerter ist...) und mich dann ein paar Jahre durchboxen muessen. Aber selbst nach dem eigenhaendigen Beladen einer DC-9 um 3:00 Uhr morgens bei -15 Grad kommt es dann zu Momenten wie diesem:




Oder diesem:




Ach, und hier ein Blick in meinen Pausenraum:




Um keinen Preis der Welt wuerde ich mein jetziges Buero wieder gegen eines auf der Bahnhofstrasse tauschen!


Darum liebe Netjetkadettaspiranten, viel Glueck! Es lohnt sich!






Lese ich das korrekt? Ab-Initio?


Für mich leider nicht, aus verschiedenen Gründen, aber ich denke jeder junge Pilotenaspirant sollte sich dieses Angebot sehr gründlich anschauen!


Hallo künftige Piloten


Greift zu.


Habe soeben gesehen, dass man mit einer Citation so Sachen machen kann.





Hey Tom,


coohool! :D Ich frage mal meinen Chef ob ich darf ;)


Hört sich ja schon interessant an, aber um diesen English-Level zu erreichen müsste ich sicher ein Jahr ins Ausland.


Nehmen die auch ready entries oder werden mit dem neuen Programm nur noch die eigenen Ausgebildeten eingestellt?

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