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Swiss Scenery Information For Englisch And Aviasim Readers Only !!!

Johan "Bigfoot"

Empfohlene Beiträge

Hello Swiss Airport Fans. :)



Here is some information about the Swiss Scenery's from Pete. :005:


All Scenery's are programmed for FS9.1 with Swiss Pro (CH-Pro) from Flylogic only.


In the FS9.cfg file change the Terrain max vertex level to 21 default is 19.





All Scenery's can only be downloaded at this Site: http://www.stumbles.ch


All Scenery's are Freeware, but it is not allowed to upload them too other Site's !!!


Registration is Free and no Spam !!! :005:



It is necessary to be registered and for the loading it is necessary to click on the images and you have a new page with an image ZIP which is the bond for the download.

Because I have access to this site, update's are faster then at AVSIM or Flightsim.com, because I can replace the file's with a new version.:)


Support will be only via this ILS Forum and the VSAF Forum or write me an E-mail in German, English or Dutch language. (You can find my E-mail adress in both Forums.)


New Release's and Screenshots can be found in both Forums:


http://www.flightforum.ch/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=7 and




For other Swiss Scenery's see also this Site: http://walhalla.mine.nu/fs2004.php



Scenery's from Pete available at this moment: http://www.stumbles.ch




LSXG Gsteigwiler

LSXC Schattenhalb




LSTS St.Stepan

LSGK Saanen

LSTZ Zweisimmen


Special Airport Versions: only for members of the Virtual Swiss Airforce !!!


LSMM Meiringen Special VSAF Version.

The final version of LSMM will be Freeware, the VSAF version is only a test version for VSAF internal use only. :005:


Next Project's:


LSMN Raron

Axalp Shooting Range.


Beta Project's:


LSMM Meiringen Version 2.

LSMJ Turtmann

LSMU Buochs

LSPM Ambri

LSML Lodrino


Piz Gloria


Titlis Sendeturm

Rigi-Kulm Sendeturm


and some other project's, wich are still Secret. :009:


I hope this information will solve all the questions at the AVIASIM.CH Forum from Giu-Giu, Manu, mikelg, and Tuxfredo.



For French :002: and Italian :( Readers, please learn a other language as soon as possible !!! (ASAP) :005:



Greetings from Bigfoot :cool: and Designer Pete.

















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Johan "Bigfoot"

Text updated and new Screenshots added. :005:


Greetings Bigfoot. :cool:

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  • 3 Monate später...
Johan "Bigfoot"

Text updated and new Screenshot added. :005:


Greetings Bigfoot. :cool:

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Johan "Bigfoot"

Text updated. (New Beta Projects added.)


Greetings Bigfoot.:cool:

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