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[VATSIM] 01.12.06 - SELT / Latacunga Fly-In

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Dear pilots,


please be invited to join us on Friday, 1st of December 2006 for a fly-in to Latacunga/Cotopaxi (SELT).


Event starts 1900utc and information has it that ATC services will be availble in Chile, Ecuador and Colombia :005: ... So "" let`s rock the Andes "" :cool:




And for this occasion TAME Virtual has provided us a link to the new SELT2006 scenery -> http://www.tamevirtual.org/SELT2006.zip


Hope to see you in large numbers... maybe we can all fly SCEL-SELT-SKBO - leaving SCEL at around 1800-1830utc :D

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